Author: Maura Alwyen

HVAC/R Master Craftsman, Chef, Woodworker, Journeyman Metalworker, somewhat of a Blacksmith, & Author I do my own stunts & cinematography. Typos, poor word choices, wrong but similar sounding word choices are par for the course. All mistakes are artisanally crafted from the finest oopsies. Otherwise I'm just a regular girl with opinions and a point from which to shout into the void.
cream of mushroom

Cream of Mushroom Soup

Now some of you will no doubt already snarled your noses because it is mushroom soup.  Others will be “why make it I can get it in a can already.”  That canned stuff can...

Chicken a la phesant

Chicken á la Peasant

Chicken á la Peasant is my variation of Chicken a la king. This is cut down for those of us who actually work and we toss the puff pastry shell because we don’t have time for it.


Nightshade Free Chili

Chili closer to the beef and beans you would have found on a cattle drive as it was highly unlikely you’d have had tomatoes in the chuck wagon

Holidays and Cooking

Holidays and Cooking

Holidays and Cooking: Here are a few gems that may set you apart from others in your social and familial spheres.


World Password Day 2022

The challenge is making a password that we can remember yet meets all of IT’s requirements, so lets look at a simple method.


A Comment on Comments

Do we always agree?  No, but that’s the beauty of this.  Do we agree on key points?  Typically I don’t think we are as far apart as it comes across.


Always Prepared

One would hope we learned that “just in time deliveries” are really misnamed and should be called “almost late.” So prepare.