Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Part III: Justiciability of Individual Claims [Updated]
In Part III of the Ordinary Court’s treatment of the Hobby Lobby case, the Ordinary Justices’ voting pattern shifts, with dramatic results.
In Part III of the Ordinary Court’s treatment of the Hobby Lobby case, the Ordinary Justices’ voting pattern shifts, with dramatic results.
I thought the narrative was that anything that is “Koch-funded” is inherently evil and should be dismissed out of hand as corporate astro-turfing because (unlike George Soros, who’s totally ok) they only give money...
Supporters of Hugo Chavez and his legacy typically argue that, regardless of his illiberal crackdowns on speech, dissent, and civil liberties, those aspects of his regime pale in comparison to the great good that...
Ralph Kiner, RIP. I grew up watching Kiner’s Korner after every game and delighting at the yarns he’d spin during the games; the occasional malapropism only added to the charm. It’s hard to imagine...
Jon Chait writes of the latest Republican health care proposal that:
Ken White explains perfectly why it is a disservice to the concept of free speech to attempt to case the Duck Dynasty brouhaha as a free speech issue, even if other values suggest that...
Noted First Amendment scholar Sarah Palin on the backlash against a reality show star’s anti-gay comments:“Free speech is an endangered species. Those ‘intolerants’ hatin’ and taking on the Duck Dynasty patriarch for voicing his...
On the one hand, it’s a 400 hundred year old tradition in a reasonably religious country. On the other hand, it’s pooping on the Nativity. No, really. I’m pretty sure coming up with...
Ray Charles, Norah Jones, Ringo Starr, Neil Young, Sheryl Crow, Tom Petty, Everlast, Toots Hibbert. This is a partial list only.
John Judis’ article at The New Republic arguing that the GOP coalition is disintegrating is outstanding, and not least because it emphasizes precisely the same point as I’ve been making: the most powerful wings...
There is no denying that the rollout of the Obamacare exchange website has thus far been a complete and utter disaster. I tend to agree with the assessment that if these problems aren’t fixed...
Grant Wahl’s feature piece in Sports Illustrated on Bob Bradley, former head coach of the United States Men’s National Soccer Team, is a must read, no matter how much or how little you care...
As with any right-thinking person, I hate and despise the Yankees with the heat of a thousand suns. While I nonetheless have a healthy respect for Mariano Rivera, I think this whole retirement tour...
It’s no secret around here that I’m an obsessive fan of the Buffalo Bills and an only slightly less obsessive fan of the New York Mets. This is a depressing enough combination as it...
Ted Cruz provides evidence that movement conservatism is not an ideology, but rather a set of compromises between disparate GOP constituencies.
The escalating war of words between two of the GOP’s leading 2016 contenders is a healthy sign that the Republican Party may finally be on the verge of overcoming its nihilism to build a coalition capable of governing again on a national level.
I’m pretty sure that if this sort of celebration happened more frequently, we could get Doc Saunders to become the League’s biggest sports fan. Maybe this is how wrestling finds its way back...
This may be the Slate-iest article of all time. I’m trying to decide if it’s just idiotic or if it’s actually an indicia of sociopathy. I realize that in some circles, saying goodbye can...
I do not have time to write a full piece on the revelations about the Obama Administration’s continuation* – and indeed, apparent expansion – of the Bush Administration’s policy of obtaining blanket phone records...
It’s hard to believe we’re just four days away from the start of Leaguefest. Below the fold is the final schedule. If you are planning on attending any events at all over the weekend,...