Things I Learned From Binging Siskel And Ebert
Siskel And Ebert was nothing groundbreaking, but for a kid who was limited in what movies he could watch and when, it was great to get the scoop from these guys.
Siskel And Ebert was nothing groundbreaking, but for a kid who was limited in what movies he could watch and when, it was great to get the scoop from these guys.
2021 Oscars Projections: Where I think the races are with months of more smooching, screenings, premiere weekends, and press leaks to go…
The Top 25 most likely nominees based on personal subjective views, awards journalism buzz, historic trends, and perhaps a few “insider” tips or two
Scarlet Johansson’s lawsuit might change the film industry for the talent involved, but could even change how we watch and pay for new movies
Here are the 25 films I seriously consider as potential contenders for the nomination of 2022 Best Picture as of today
“Every house should have a marmalade day”, and, well, I believe every film collection should have the Paddington films in its library.
Heavyweights was seemingly a one and done bust kids movie that Disney could write off as a failed venture. And then a funny thing happened…
In the Heights isn’t just the movie of the year to me, or of the summer, but its perhaps the movie of my lifetime that I’ve been waiting for
Before you look at me like I’m nuts for 2022 Best Picture projections, I’ll remind you there’s one model of the 2024 presidential race already.
The favorite to win Best Picture Oscar is a cursed place to be since the preferential ballot and the expansion of nomination slots became a reality.
Of course to win the race for the Best Picture Oscar one must get nominated, so here are my top 25 contenders for the big award’s nomination
Tampa Bay has been able to claim the Stanley Cup Finals, the World Series, the Super Bowl, and Wrestlemania in less than a year
Which party’s electoral trends will benefit during the Biden era? Honestly, I can see trends on either side continuing or snapping away from either party
Some may ask “Who on God’s green and beautiful Earth is Roman Reigns and why did he have a better 2020 than most of us?”
Now as 2020 starts to churn towards the end, it’s time for another report card for the film industry.
Understanding these results in three parts: the polling miss, the fundamentals of the race, and the short-term future of American politics
I figured I’d rank my top ten favorite classic horror films to watch in the coming weeks of this year’s fright season.
I suspect the movement we’ll see from here will be minimal, meaning Biden will have many paths to 270 versus Trump’s little room for error.
In which I argue for the possibility that maybe, just maybe, the expected…actually happens and maybe even smoothly at that.
Most Hollywood histories begin in the 1920s. However, the story of Hollywood and its coming domination in cinema truly begins in 1914