Paciencia Y Fe: In The Heights Is The Movie I’ve Been Waiting A Lifetime For

Luis A. Mendez

Boricua. Floridian. Theist. Writer. Critic. Oscar Predictor. Godzilla Fanboy. Member Of The Critics Association Of Central Florida And The Puerto Rico Critics Association.

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1 Response

  1. Kolohe says:

    To my extremely casual ear, the Caribbean influences (or at least a ‘traditional’ Caribbean sound) really didn’t start to become apparent until a few songs in. But that’s probably only because ‘hey this sounds a lot like Hamilton’ because Miranda himself has a distinct sound.
    For that matter, In the Heights could be considered in the same ‘franchise’/‘cinematic universe’ as Hamilton, with the whole ‘orphan from the Caribbean affected by a major hurricane trying to make it in Manhattan during changing times’ going on. (And really, it’s almost certain that this movie, in development purgatory for a decade, finally got green lit on the strength of Miranda’s now star power)

    I enjoyed it. But I must say, there was no real plot, and even the ‘twist’ is apparently something that wasn’t in the original stage production? (Although, again, knowing nothing going in, I thought the apagón was going to shake out into some sort of Do The Right Thing kinda setup, instead of a pleasant exuberant street party. Which, yeah, was probably the point)Report