Walking Dead Discussion Thread: S3 E9, “The Suicide King”

Mike Dwyer

Mike Dwyer is a former writer and contributor at Ordinary Times.

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19 Responses

  1. North says:

    Yeah having ol’ Rick melt down in front of the potential new members as well as all the established members of the group should hopefully put an end to the Ricktatorship. “Dude, you’ve done well but you can’t be in charge alone any more; you’re going off the deep end.”

    Likewise Glenn and Maggie are definitely wallowing in some serious post traumatic stress stuff. We see the classic two versions; incoherent fury from Glenn and withdrawn apathy from Maggie.

    I feel for Carol, she’s been growing on me considerably over the last two seasons. It’s definitly sad about Darryl but at the same time it was truly a no win scenario. Mearl simply could not be brought back to the prison. That said Rick is going to have to get over his paranoia; he needs more manpower. Also his who retort about the black prisoner was assanine; where is the man now? He died trying to help you Rick ya damn fool.

    As to weapons maybe a crow bar? Ya know the standard curved at one end pointed at the other end kind? It’s heay enough to bash, easy to hold, has a pointy end for stabbing and additionally can be used to open doors. Doesn’t have the same need for a windup like a baseball bat does.Report

    • Mike Dwyer in reply to North says:

      Yes – the Oscar comment struck me as bizarre too. I liked that Herschel stated the obvious i.e. ‘we need more manpower’. And Tyreese was quick to say ‘your enemies would be our enemies’. Then Rick went bonkers.

      I liked that Rick didn’t hesitate in banning Merle from the prison. In the past he would have given him a second chance.

      The problem with the crow bar is that if you bash something with it your hand will hurt something fierce. A lot of people are suggesting these:


      It gives you the pry capability for doors, the poking capability (T-Dog’s last weapon of choice) and the hamering ability (Tyreese). Maybe the best of all worlds.Report

      • North in reply to Mike Dwyer says:

        The fallout from that bonkers episode could be pretty nasty. Tyreese was nicely on path to integrating all four of them into the Rick group but now of course the two men who were contemplating sacking the prison are going to be like “you wanna work for him? He’s crazy!”

        As to the tool. I take your point on the hand numbing but one could likely customize a crowbar with a roll of ducktape for an insulating grip. The Annihilator looks like it has potential but I’d be uneasy about the costomer reviews that say it breaks easy and there’s an awful lot of *not metal* in the center part of this puppy.Report

  2. MBunge says:

    I have to say, I’m not a big fan of the split season if it’s going to be treated as just one storyline with a long break in the middle. The resolution to the Merle vs. Darryl in the arena cliffhanger felt awfully anti-climatic after such a long wait.

    I do like the change in the Governor. With his daughter now “dead” dead, the props of his public persona are gone and his inner nihilism is coming out. I also think what they’re doing with Andrea is pretty interesting. She’s bonding herself to the Woodbury group in a way that might make Andrea vs. Rick a bigger deal than Rick vs. The Governor.


    • Mike Dwyer in reply to MBunge says:

      Good points. I also definitely felt like the Merle / Daryl fight was pretty lame. I didn’t understand the point of bringing in the Walkers at all.

      What I could see is Andrea vs. The Governor as he tries to turn Woodbury into a Revenge Army and she tries to maintain the dream of it be a normal town. She seems to have really bought into the idea of rebuilding a society there. Rick could be seen by her as an ancillary problem by the Governor.

      I’m guilty of over-analyzing the previews way too much but we know Andrea goes to visit Rick & Co at some point but the previews still seem to be all about Rick vs. Governor. I can’t imagine she hears the whole story and chooses the Governor.Report

      • North in reply to Mike Dwyer says:

        Yeah but don’t forget that no one is able to communicate on this show. I can see Andrea visiting Rick but instead of explaining their side of their interactions with Woodbury it devolves into emotional name calling with Rick taking time occasionally out to scream obscenities at Lori’s ghost as she dangles from the ceiling and Michonne sitting on the sidelines futilely trying to transmit all the important facts into Andreas brain by the sheer force of her glower.Report

        • Glyph in reply to North says:

          “trying to transmit all the important facts into Andreas brain by the sheer force of her glower.”


          It’s as if Professor X communicated psychically by blasting people with Cyclops’ eye-ray.Report

  3. Glyph says:

    Rick, Carol and Carl walking arm in arm back towards the prison…forshadowing?

    Actually, I thought Herschel’s Other Daughter (that IS her name, right?) seemed to linger a bit long over that kiss on Rick’s cheek, and she always wanted a baby of her own, and is handling Rick’s so much that people just assume it’s hers…

    I thought the *shot” of Ghost Lori was surprising and actually really cool, cinematically (framing/lighting, it was creepy/beautiful). They made sure not to show her face, but I could FEEL her being annoying from the Other Side. But, not sure how I feel about Rick cracking in front of everyone; I think I’d rather him not have gone Full Dorner in front of everyone just yet – as people here note, how can anyone follow him, after that display?

    Andrea to Governor: “You were secretly keeping my friends captive while we were shtupping?! How COULD you?!?!”
    Andrea to Governor, two seconds later: “Don’t shut me out, I love you!”
    Andrea to Townspeople: “They will say we persevered!”
    Townspeople to Andrea: “Uh, who are you? Aren’t you that new chick the Governor has been shtupping for the last two weeks?”
    Viewers to Andrea: SHUT UP ANDREA

    In conclusion, Andrea continues to be terrible.

    I thought it was a nice touch that Carol had some insight into what kind of hold a Merle can have over a Darryl. That scene was the one redeeming one in an otherwise pretty bad episode.Report

    • Don Zeko in reply to Glyph says:

      God, that speech was awful. Andrea remains on top of my “I hope these people get eaten by a zombie” list.Report

      • Glyph in reply to Don Zeko says:

        Even had the speech been not awful, there is no reason the townspeople would listen to someone they don’t really know.

        That speech was not not awful.Report

      • Patrick Cahalan in reply to Don Zeko says:

        I don’t want her to die. I want her to become an actual person.

        Right now, she’s… she doesn’t make any sense.Report

        • North in reply to Patrick Cahalan says:

          Agreed, she’s very confusing.Report

          • MBunge in reply to North says:

            In fairness to the actress, Andrea is probably the character most shortchanged when they did the whole “let’s just skip over the winter” leap forward. She was hooked up with a brand new character, given an illness to limit their initial interaction and then almost immediately thrust into Woodbury without ever giving her or the audience a chance to absorb her disconnection from Rick and company.


            • Glyph in reply to MBunge says:

              Oh yeah, if it wasn’t clear, I am criticizing the writing, not the actress. For all I know if, she was given something to play that made any sense, she might knock it out of the park. But in a show full of thinly-drawn, inconsistent characters, she’s the current-worst on both fronts. Maybe there’s a reason for all her inexplicable decisions, but we don’t know what they are.Report

  4. essman says:

    I’m struck by the archetypes that TWD and Downton Abbey have in common. The patriarch (Rick, Robert) on the verge of being marginalized. The committed next-gen couple (Glenn and Maggie, Matthew and Mary) ready to take the reins. The baby whose mother died (essentially) giving birth and whose care has become a matter or concern. The forgotten daughter (Beth, Edith) beginning to take a game-changing role. The outsider (Darryl, Tom) with the even less-welcome brother. The avuncular voice of tradition (Herschel, Carson).

    Or maybe I’m just going mad.Report