Saturday Morning Gaming: Disco Elysium


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to

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6 Responses

  1. Fish says:

    Wish-listed. This looks really great.

    Still shooting my way through Long War 2. I am now officially losing the war due to my reluctance to aggressively pursue Advent and find their regional control centers and take them out. Those missions are scary and hard and I’m a big chicken baby.Report

  2. James K says:

    Spectacular, isn’t it? I hope it becomes very influential on CRPGS, I feel the genre has gotten stale of late.

    Hades, the latest game by Supergiant Games has just come out of Early Access. It’s a Diablo-like Action RPG but constructed as a rogue-like. You’re the son of Hades (the god) and you’re trying to escape Hades (the place). If you run out of life you die, but since you’re a god all that really means is that you wake up back in your Father’s house and have to start again. You can collect a range of resources during each run that make you stronger, which helps you make progress up through the layers of Hades.

    Its a lot of fun, I recommend it.Report


    I’m playing nothing. I drove 270 miles today in hopes of meeting with three different people. One was out for their holiday. The other was home and we had a pleasant chat for about forty five minutes. Number three was not home and has not acknowledged my texts since last night. Felt a lot better than being home and moping about.

    On my way home, I listened to the most recent Esperanto Programo from the Vatican. I understand words, sometimes I can catch a phrase or the gist, but it’s tough. Monday means there’ll be a new Esperanto Programo along with a new Voluminous. Voluminous is a podcast where two guys from the HP Lovecraft Historical Society read letters written by HP Lovecraft.

    After that, I’ll probably listen to Kern.Punkto in order to become a stronger listener of Esperanto.Report

  4. Brandon Berg says:

    No politics, but I’ve been suspicious of this due to the involvement of the Chapo’s Trap House guys. For one, I don’t want to give them money, but I also particularly want to spend dozens of hours on a game full of cringey left-wing politics. Is the latter an issue?Report

    • Jaybird in reply to Brandon Berg says:

      Without getting into politics: there are a handful of political arguments that you can get into (there is a sub-plot involving a union, for example, and corporatism) *BUT* some of the arguments are pleasantly nuanced (for smvo “nuanced” that include “some of the people you’d think are good guys are actually willing to make compromises for the greater good”).

      There *ARE* dialog options that talk about overthrowing the system for the sake of some utopian thing… but there are also dialog options that talk about incremental change (and even one conversation where someone points out that, sometimes, holding the line is progress when the other option is going backwards).

      One of the big points made by the game is that it doesn’t take place in the current year in America on Earth-Prime but it takes place in an alternate universe, in an alternate year, in an alternate country.

      Hey, maybe positional goods work differently there.Report

    • James K in reply to Brandon Berg says:

      IIRC the Chapo people are just voice actors.

      Having played the game all the way through, the politics is a setting detail rather than an agenda. There are characters with a range of strong political beliefs and all of them come off as pretty shallow, which is IMO realistic for political discussions with most people. At no point did I get the impression that the game was telling me that a particular political view was the correct one, and the character portrayed as the most unambiguously moral in the game avoids political discussion entirely.Report