I am a Muslim doctor. I saved a Christian in Pakistan and it nearly cost my life
He survived but I immediately faced the wrath of the nurse. She was mad at me because the patient was a Christian and she said Islamic alms are not meant to be used on non-Muslims. But I did not know the patient’s faith, nor did I know that such a law existed.
I promptly replaced the medicine, which cost around $20. But it didn’t end there. The representative of a conservative Islamic NGO, which was a donor to the clinic, was furious about what I had done. They attributed my lack of knowledge about the alms laws to the fact that I belong to a minority Muslim sect.
A departmental inquiry followed and I was discriminated throughout the entire process. The workplace discrimination gave way to threatening phone calls and vandalism of my car and bike. They found out my family lived in America and that I was alone. This made me an easy target. I was threatened with death at a medical conference hosted by the chair of the same NGO which had complained about me.
Fearing for our lives, my wife, who is also a doctor, and I made it to the US in 2015. We applied for political asylum based on what had happened to us. It took a lot of courage on her part to leave. She had to accept not knowing when she could next visit her family in Pakistan, owing to our asylum status.
No surprise.Report
You don’t think he’s an ISIS deep cover agent masquerading as a humanitarian?Report
#NotAllMuslims. Wait a minute, that’s wrong. #AllMuslims.Report
Just keep driving your best and brightest out of your own countries and over here. We hoovered up a lot of great Jewish scientists around World War II. This is just another opportunity to acquire a steady stream of educated professionals from places that don’t value them properly.Report
Agreed. Their loss is the first world’s gain.Report
True… and yet, isn’t “brain drain” likely a contributing factor to the rise of these sorts of ideologies? We should absolutely denounce the response to this doctor’s courageous efforts. And welcome him here. But saying, “Their loss, our gain…” feels a little off.Report
All except for the ones the Soviets took.Report
Until Israel got them.Report
This is a good example of why Trump makes traction with anti-immigration, and also why that policy is a problem. Their loss, our gain.Report