Monthly Archive: June 2023
Ice! Ice, Baby!
I drank my room temp water and seethed. And then I had a thought: Is there such thing as a countertop ice maker? Oh, there sure is
Thirty Years of Dinosaurs: An Ode To Jurassic Park
Dinosaurs are just cool. A sense of wonder is key to a good science fiction film and Jurassic Park plays it perfectly.
FDR’s D-Day Prayer Still Calls For A Response
FDR’s D-Day prayer to announce the Normandy landings of WW2 still has truths to teach about the timeless enemies that threaten all of humanity
Saturday Morning Gaming: Serial Cleaner
A fun little nostalgic sneaker that tells you to not think so much about it.
POETS Day! Robert Service
A lot of Robert Service’s poetry is “Casey at Bat” length. It’s long enough to tell a tale and wander off on a wistful tangent here and there but not so long as to let an audience start to ask where the story’s going
Weekend Plans Post: School’s Out
I don’t know about you but I always preferred “I’m Eighteen” over “School’s Out”.
Where Is DeSantis’s Polling Bump?
So far, it’s hard to find evidence that Ron DeSantis’s entry into the presidential race has produced a polling bump for the Florida governor.
Debt Limit Cacophony Ends With A Meh
The Thing That Must Happen happened, as the House of Representatives passed the debt limit bill 314-117 after months of fretting over it.