Daily Archive: November 26, 2020
Turkey Rain
“As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly.”
Supreme Court Strikes Down Cuomo Executive Order on Religious Service Attendance
While you were sleeping the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 against New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s restrictions on houses of worship.
Thanksgiving Songs for when you might not be feeling that Thankful.
Enjoy these two semi-traditional Thanksgiving day songs: Dan Bern’s Thanksgiving Day Parade & Arlo Guthrie’s Alice’s Restaurant
Thanksgiving Spin: The Last Waltz
Celebrating Thanksgiving with one of the world’s greatest vanity projects ever, The Band’s The Last Waltz
Requiem For a Heavy Meal
I went to plan the family get-together, and I found much to my chagrin that the Klinkes were out of business. Like, out of business entirely.