We Have Seen the Election Conspiracy, and It Is Us

Voters in Des Moines precincts 43, 61 and 62 cast their ballots at Roosevelt High School.
3 November 2020. Photo by Phil Roeder
So, here’s what I’m seeing: We’ve been spoiled by past elections which were never this close, which makes elections like this one and the one in 2000 really stand out and look suspicious. The thing is, the vote is never/has never/will never be completely counted on election day. That’s a fiction spread by the Trump administration to set the stage for cries of “fraud” and “cheating” and “conspiracy” which is what we’re seeing now (and he did the same thing before election day in 2016, but he won so he stopped crying foul). We typically lose interest and stop paying attention once our media outlet of choice announces a winner, though the counting continues, typically for days, even though the outcome won’t affect the end result.
Individual states are responsible for how the election is conducted, how the counts are tallied, and when the result is certified. Read that again: Individual. States. Are. Responsible. The earliest certification dates I saw were for 10 November, but some states won’t certify until second week in December. And some states will be counting right up until that deadline. And this is all normal.
In many states, there are still mail-in votes to count. In virtually every state, there are military ballots from those serving overseas to count. This is also normal. Typically, the mail-in and military votes don’t amount to enough to sway the outcome, so nobody pays attention to them, but obviously this year is different. Some states leaned heavily into mail-in votes but didn’t have the infrastructure to handle the volume. Many states have laws on the books which forbid counting until polls close. Given the massive increase in the mail-in vote, it should be no surprise that the count is taking longer.
There is no massive conspiracy. This is an election that has stretched norms and strained systems not meant to deal with the chaos. Look at Florida. For Florida, 2000 was a bloodbath. The state election commission learned from that and look at how quickly and smoothly the voting and the counting went there.
(Oh, and you want to talk about voter fraud? Let’s talk about a state government that upended the will of the voters and disenfranchised somewhere around one million voters by suspending their voting rights until fines are paid, effectively enacting a poll tax on one million people. Poll taxes are illegal, but since the Voting Rights Act was gutted due to Congress’ failure to act and since the current administration chose to do nothing about this, one million people who should have been allowed to vote in Florida were denied.)
This is happening because we’ve spent the last four years with a man at the helm encouraging the worst tendencies in all of us. He’s Michael Vick throwing a poodle into the ring with a starving dog trained to fight to encourage its bloodlust. (It’d be a relief to go back to being able to go days in a row without thinking about what the president is doing.)
There is no conspiracy. There is no concerted, widespread effort to “steal the election.” There is only us, being goaded into believing whatever we see or hear which reinforces our priors, embracing it all with no real effort to fact-check or verify. Just like in 2016, it isn’t an election getting hacked: It’s us.
Just like in 2016, it isn’t an election getting hacked: It’s us.
The main thing I’m curious about is the extent to which we have already been hacked. How thirsty for new and novel and interesting content have we gotten over the last 4 years?
How addicted to outrage are we? Where will we get our fix now?Report
College basketball.Report
The addiction is not to outrage, the addiction is the power of your team to rule others. If there was no power there would be no interest in it.
From this all the sins grow like cancer. Power in the law, power in the courts, power in the executive. It’s back to the people who are nakedly will to power. There are no checks/balances to power, just what flavor in what branch is escalating at what time.
The first amendment should have been: the right to be left alone from will to power people, if this right is violated people will shoot* you and your government.
*substituting that whole ‘shall not be infringed’ non-sense for the flat out obvious reason it was includedReport
But if my team can’t rule others, how do I know that they won’t do what they want to do, instead of what I want them to do?Report
There is no methadone clinic for this.Report
Excellent article!Report
Thank you!Report
Good stuff. For a lot of us this is strong win and we just want to relax. But the crazy pants stuff about a stolen election and from what i gather the typically petulant anger mongering speech by soon to be ex prez will lead to a a tense holiday season. And we’re still losing a thousand people a day to the Rona with cases spiking and trump is certain to spray shite all over the place so its gonna be a ride. Life aint’ getting any calmer soon.Report
And come January 21st we will still have income inequality, police brutality, racism, misogyny, and the debt and deficit to deal with.
The work is only just really beginning.Report
It sure seems like the Republican politicians and plutocrats are abandoning Trump very quickly.
Plus the media, including Fox News, maybe not ONAN, was having none of his press conference. Anderson Cooper compared him to an obese turtle flailing on his back in the sun. NY Times gave a glowing compare and contrast to Biden on how he was handling the post-election count.Report
Comment in moderation i think. It was my best comment ever of course.Report
Only the best comments end up in moderation. I think it’s so they can steal our ideas.
Anyway, somehow my state can always count all the ballots in an hour, as can many other states. Other states are intentionally dysfunctional.
Here’s a really good video from an election fraud lawyer. It’s long, but detailed.
In the US, there are typically seven different badges, or indicia, that indicate that major election fraud is occurring, which is separate from proving it in court, which he also covers.
* Did one area hold back a bunch of ballots until the rest of the state reports, and then produce however many ballots are needed to tip the election, which won’t be happening in non-battleground states. If a big urban center with a history of corruption is reporting late, it’s likely because they’re committing fraud.
* Very late returns showing very different margins than early returns, and very different margins from similar demographic areas, or the same area earlier in the evening or in early voting. Was the area going 60-40, 55-45 and then at 4:00 AM it starts going 95-5? Generally this only happens if the later reports are based on fraud.
* Is there a very large turnout in areas controlled or dominated by one party, without similarly large turnouts for that party in nearby cities with split control? Did one party has massive voter turnout in a particular demographic in cities controlled that party (machine), but normal turnout in other cities with split control (Detroit, Atlanta, Philly vs Ann Arbor, Savannah, Hershey)? If black turnout is breaking records in Atlanta, whereas blacks in Savannah are hardly bothering to vote, the machine-city turnout is likely fraudulent.
* Areas that were showing below-average turnout until election day, short line on election day, and then days later claim very high vote counts from those areas. You see low turnout, and low interest, prior to or on election day, but then late that night record turnout seems to have occurred, without ever noticing it.
* Ballots that only have one candidate marked, but not down ticket races. For example, tens of thousands of late ballots in Atlanta were for Biden, but the “voter” didn’t bother to vote for the Democrat Senate candidate. Does this just happen in contested states, but not uncontested states? Is this happening on ballots marked for the other candidate, or just one?
* Is there a very large apparent turnout in cities in key states that does not occur in similar cities in other states. Is there a massive wave of urban blacks voting in Detroit, when there was no massive wave in cities like Cleveland or St Louis?
* Are there attempts to keep the counting from being watched and monitored? Is counting happening in the middle of the night, without any observers present?
ALL of these indicia are glaringly present in Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, and somewhat apparent in North Carolina, and to a degree in Pennsylvania and Nevada. These are the historically typical warning signs of ongoing, significant voting fraud in US elections.
Then he goes through the legal path that these cases follow, what evidence you need, what checks exist, etc., and the various legal remedies.Report
Freiheit is not an election fraud lawyer, he’s a Canadian attorney with a background in commercial law and litigation. And he’s not even (AFAICT) even practicing law anymore, being a full time vlogger.
He may be right, but you are going to need a more authoritative source.Report
it would also help to have an American election lawyer . .
Which reminds me – @George when while Dunham be dropping those Obama administration indictments? The ones you have been telling us for four years were about to happen? Seems to me his window is closing rather rapidly.Report
Aristotle approves of it.Report
This is a wonderful piece. I wish you wrote for us more often.Report
Thank you. I get inspired about twice a year to write something that feels like it is worthy to be here.Report
FISH = NERD. But seriously, accurate take on what’s going on.Report
Cheers, thanks.Report
Antifa turns turns against Newson, Biden and Harris.
*caugh* Ernst Röhm
Be careful what you loose upon the world.Report
As if Antifa ever was for Biden. *snorts*Report
Indeed. I too chuckle at those who thought they were on “their side”.Report
well Antifa being an philosophy and not an organization its tough to wrangle out an endorsement one way or the other . . . .Report
If antifa was a philosophy instead of an organization it would be smarter than what it is.Report
I’m with most of this article, but I don’t see the connection where it blamed Trump.Report
The thing is, the vote is never/has never/will never be completely counted on election day. That’s a fiction spread by the Trump administration
That’s 100% accurate.Report