President Trump, First Lady Test Positive for Covid-19 (Updated)

Andrew Donaldson

Born and raised in West Virginia, Andrew has been the Managing Editor of Ordinary Times since 2018, is a widely published opinion writer, and appears in media, radio, and occasionally as a talking head on TV. He can usually be found misspelling/misusing words on Twitter@four4thefire. Andrew is the host of Heard Tell podcast. Subscribe to Andrew'sHeard Tell Substack for free here:

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59 Responses

  1. Oscar Gordon says:

    Is anyone really surprised?Report

  2. Philip H says:

    1. As a matter of humanity I hope he recovers. I hope she recovers.

    2. As a matter of process – yes the government can function without a President and he can certainly perform his executive functions virtually. That said, given what we know of the lax protocol in the WH generally for this, one has to be worried about the staff who make that possible. Sure there’s bench depth for everything up there, but there’s also a lot we don’t know about mid and low level staff infections.

    3. As a matter of politics voting has already started. Even if the wildest of the wild conspiracy theories is true and this is some sort of planned October surprise (I don’t buy that), it may not help him any. Which is why I tend to believe that simple statistics have now caught up to him.Report

    • Kazzy in reply to Philip H says:

      This. And I’ll even go a bit farther.

      4.) It is tempting to blame Trump for this. I won’t do so. Yes, it is possible he acted irresponsibly. We know for damn sure that he encouraged others to act irresponsibly. But even folks who did act responsibly caught it. Maybe he could have avoided it, maybe not. To me, that doesn’t matter.
      5.) I don’t buy the conspiracy theories. I have to imagine any doctor involved in such would lose their license or worse upon being found out. And let’s be real: it would be found out.
      6.) At the end of the day, I want the outcome of this — of all of this — to be what is best for everyone. Chaos — even if that chaos might up the odds of my preferred candidate winning an election — would have all sorts of bad outcomes that I do not desire. I hope Trump and Melania’s cases are mild and they make speedy and full recoveries. Not because I have any particular respect for them but because I think it is best for everyone if we don’t see the chaos that could ensure from the situation being worse. That and what Pinky says below.

      I naively thought that a global pandemic might help band us together as a nation. It didn’t. Quite the opposite. Weirdly, this moment may provide an opportunity to undo some of that. Let us respond with decency and let us think beyond our own visceral glee.Report

      • Philip H in reply to Kazzy says:

        Dissent Strongly on #4 – His hubris for decades led to this moment. Refusing to be both open about and attentive to his health led to this. Believing that projecting an outdated and untenable vision of masculine strength led to this. Prioritizing his own TV ratings, his own prestige and his own power above all else led to this.Report

        • The White House was hoping to keep Hope Hicks’s infection secret; that included not telling people she’d been in contact with.

          That’s a criminal level of irresponsibility, not that that’s anything new.Report

          • George Turner in reply to Mike Schilling says:

            Are you nuts? She was diagnosed Thursday morning, which immediately started the contact tracing. By early Thursday afternoon, thousands of people were commenting on the news stories about her diagnosis. How many hours of privacy does a patient get these days?

            It would help if modern journalists weren’t both insane – and stupid.Report

            • Contact tracing, like looking at the passenger list for Air Force One?

              Trump went to a fundraiser in New Jersey after he knew he’d been exposed. Didn’t say a word, took no precautions. Kayleigh McEnany did a briefing after she knew she’d been exposed. Didn’t say a word, took no precautions.

              They are garbage.Report

              • George Turner in reply to Mike Schilling says:

                You must be watching CNN or network news, which takes all the facts of a story, tosses them in the trash can, and writes the opposite of whatever happened.

                Whenever anyone in the White House tests positive, all their contacts are treated as exposed until they test negative, including the President on his flight to New Jersey. All White House personnel are tested daily, along with that day’s visitors.

                The contact tracing from Hicks started immediately upon her diagnosis that morning. The prior day, Wednesday, she had been isolated on the return flight in case she did have Covid. Her diagnosis came in Thursday morning.

                Secondly, being exposed doesn’t make you an instant spreader. The virus has to start multiplying in significant numbers. Until that happens, a person whose been exposed is about as infection as a piece of furniture.

                And where would Kayleigh McEnany have been exposed to Hope Hicks, who’d been isolated on Wednesday before she even returned to Washington?Report

              • Isolated on an airplane. Sure.Report

              • Also,


              • George Turner in reply to Mike Schilling says:

                Are they waiting for a list of the tens of thousands of protesters who routinely violate protocols on an almost nightly basis?Report

              • Dr X in reply to Mike Schilling says:

                In a televised press briefing this morning, White House physician Sean Conley read a prepared stated on the president’s condition. He said that Trump is “72 hours into this diagnosis.” That statement sets Wednesday morning as the time of diagnosis. See 19 second into this clip.

                Dr. Sean Conley: "This morning the president is doing very well…at this time the team and I are extremely happy with the progress the president has made."Watch here:— CSPAN (@cspan) October 3, 2020


              • Dr X in reply to Mike Schilling says:

                In a televised press briefing this morning, White House physician Sean Conley read a prepared stated on the president’s condition. He said that Trump is “72 hours into this diagnosis.” That statement sets Wednesday morning as the time of diagnosis. My first attempt to post went into moderation, perhaps because a link was included. The video is available on CSPAN.Report

          • Also:


        • Kazzy in reply to Philip H says:

          Maybe. Maybe not. We don’t know how he got it and if it could have been prevented. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter. He has it. Now what?Report

      • Mike Schilling in reply to Kazzy says:

        I have no visceral glee, and at a personal level I hope they both make full recoveries.

        But anyone who was pleased when Bin Laden was killed might reflect that 200,000 > 2,500.Report

    • It’s a viral infection, not a staff infection.Report

  3. Jaybird says:

    October 2020 is going to make September 2020 look like August 2020.Report

  4. Saul Degraw says:

    I hope Biden is okay.Report

    • Pinky in reply to Saul Degraw says:

      So do I and every other decent human being, because if you go down the road of wishing ill on people, you lose your humanity.Report

      • Aaron David in reply to Pinky says:

        “So do I and every other decent human being, because if you go down the road of wishing ill on people, you lose your humanity.”

        Quoted for truth.Report

        • George Turner in reply to Aaron David says:

          Trump is being quarantined in a mansion with an international super model. If you’re going to get Covid, that’s how you want to do it. Last night I said “Why am I not quarantined with Hope Hicks? Why, why why?” Lots of people agreed.

          In the first hour after he posted it, Trump’s tweet was getting about 50 comments a second. I didn’t manage to examine all of them, but from my cursory inspection, there were a few that didn’t seem to meet the highest standards of decency. ^_^Report

  5. LeeEsq says:

    According to the Washington Post, Trump is being moved to Walter Reed. This is going to make the already monumental 2020 election into unprecedented territory. We never had a situation where a sitting President going for re-election was either very incapacitated or possibly even dead right before the election. In a parliamentary system, you can delay the elections to sort out chaotic scenarios like this. This really isn’t possible in our system of government, where the election date is set in stone. It couldn’t happen to a nicer political party.Report

    • Philip H in reply to LeeEsq says:

      Also now on CNN, ABC, CBS. Not Fox News yet.

      Yeah this will throw multiple monkey wrenches at all sorts of things. Remember – Early voting and absentee ballots are already underway in many states.Report

    • James K in reply to LeeEsq says:

      Actually, in most Parliamentary systems it would be too close to the election date for it to move now, the writ authorising the election would most likely already be issued.

      The reason a Parliamentary system would deal better with the death of a party leader is that you don’t elect a Prime Minister directly. If the PM (or Leader of the Opposition) died pre-election it would only affect their electorate, not the whole country. The party’s caucus could just appoint a new leader. I mean, it would be a big disruption for the party, but not the kind of constitutional hazard it is for the US.Report

      • Mike Schilling in reply to James K says:

        In this case, we are saved by our clunky, antiquated electoral college system. People can still vote for the same slate of GOP electors; any of them selected will have until December 14th to figure out, in concert with the RNC, whom to vote for.

        The usual GOP slate includes a VP candidate who absolutely should not be president (Nixon, Agnew, Quayle, Cheney, Palin, Ryan, Pence), so my guess is that if the party promotes Pence, the other slot will go to Louis Gohmert or Devin Nunes.Report

        • Pinky in reply to Mike Schilling says:

          Quayle, Cheney, and Ryan would have been good presidents. I don’t know about Pence, but I wouldn’t have any discomfort voting for him for president this time around.Report

          • greginak in reply to Pinky says:

            Cheney was one of the prime movers for invading Iraq including all the lying about intell.Report

            • InMD in reply to greginak says:

              But if blowing up then failing to rebuild backwards middle eastern hell holes at taxpayer expense is your thing he couldn’t be beat!Report

            • Pinky in reply to greginak says:

              Not lying, just overconfidence.Report

              • Philip H in reply to Pinky says:

                when you repeatedly say ” our intelligences shows . . .” and it turns out later that it didn’t show . . . yeah thats pretty much lying.Report

              • George Turner in reply to Philip H says:

                No, it’s not anything remotely like lying. Saddam tricked the world. He thought he was safer if everybody, especially Iran, thought he had WMD’s, and so he planted all sorts of information indicating he had WMD’s.

                He figured if he did fool us, at most he would get a few palaces hit with cruise missiles, with plenty of advance warning, and he could brag that he’d survived yet another war with the Americans. If he didn’t fool us, Iran would just roll into Baghdad because we’d blown up the bulk of his armored forces and decimated his army.Report

            • Also for institutionalized torture.Report

      • LeeEsq in reply to James K says:

        It turns out that this scenario is already considered in American electoral law. You vote for the dead candidate if you want. If the dead candidate wins, the National Committee of their party selects the replacement.Report

        • James K in reply to LeeEsq says:

          Ah, well that’s nice to know. Death is the one thing the US Constitution seems to handle pretty well.Report

          • George Turner in reply to James K says:

            The Founders didn’t waste much time on the issue because in their original conception, they figured that the choices for President would be the two or three best picks. If the best pick died, everybody would naturally go with the second best (who otherwise would’ve been Vice President), and if the second best pick died, well, we stick with the best pick, who would then nominate a Vice President once in office. How could a dispute possibly arise when you’re just picking between Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, or whoever? Almost everybody will get to take a turn as President.Report

          • Pinky in reply to James K says:

            The one thing? You better not let the Federal troops quartered in your house find out that you’re criticizing the government, especially on the Lord’s Day.Report

  6. Michael Cain says:

    Saturday morning… Senators Mike Lee (R-UT), Thom Tillis (R-NC), and Ron Johnson (R-WI) have tested positive. Chris Christie has tested positive.Report

    • George Turner in reply to Michael Cain says:

      Their ages are 49, 60, 65, and 58. They’ll all probably be fine.

      There are 13 Senators over age 75. They are:

      age – senator state (party)
      87.28 – Dianne Feinstein CA (D)
      87.04 – Chuck Grassley IA (R)
      86.41 – Richard Shelby AL (R)
      85.88 – Jim Inhofe OK (R)
      84.45 – Pat Roberts KA (R)
      80.25 – Lamar Alexander TN (R)
      79.07 – Bernie Sanders VT (I)
      78.62 – Mitch McConnell KY (R)
      77.42 – Jim Risch ID (R)
      77.00 – Ben Cardin MD (D)
      76.67 – Mike Enzi WY (R)
      76.51 – Angus King ME (I)
      75.87 – Dick Durbin IL (D)Report

  7. “I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and infect everyone and I wouldn’t lose voters.”Report

    • And now he’s pretty much doing just that.

      Judging from his comments in the video and the road trip he took afterwards, the president clearly doesn’t understand the coronavirus as well as he thinks he does.

      “He is not sending the right message [by] going in a car while actively viremic with COVID and receiving therapies,” Dr. Amita Gupta, the deputy director of Johns Hopkins University’s Center for Clinical Global Health Education, told Intelligencer.


  8. Philip H says:

    And now Kayle MacEnerny has tested positive.

    One has to wonder how many more will take one for the team befor ethey have had enough.Report

    • Aaron David in reply to Philip H says:

      Or, we will see that catching a case of the ‘vid isn’t a death sentence, and that this will reduce peoples fears.


      • George Turner in reply to Aaron David says:

        Interestingly, one analysis of Sweden’s slightly higher death rate compared to its Nordic neighbors is that the last two flu seasons in Sweden were extremely mild, so there were more extremely elderly people there for Covid to hit. I didn’t look at the detailed analysis, though, because it’s rather dark and in any event, the reduction of elderly Swedes just frees up more housing for young Muslim migrants.

        That said, I think the American people will realize the critical importance of having a White House that’s no longer susceptible to Covid. A potential Biden team would not only refuse to be vaccinated because they don’t trust Trump, they’ll also have to hide from the virus until it rips through and kills them all. Harris won’t be eligible because she’ll have been the one jabbing everyone with a Covid infected needle, and will be dragged off to prison. Nancy is 80, so she’ll be gone, along with Chuck Grassley who is 87. The cabinet will likely have already resigned, but the Senate won’t have had time to confirm any Biden nominees, so the President will probably be Trump’s Attorney General, William Barr.

        Voting Trump, who will be immune, as will his entire staff, entirely avoids such catastrophic consequences.Report

  9. greginak says:

    Or we’ll see that getting the rona isn’t a death sentence which people already know but understand that it could still be serious medical problem last for weeks/months, lead to hospitalization and spread to other people which is bad.Report

  10. Philip H says:

    And now pumped full of drugs ordinary Americans can’t yet get he claims he’s going home tonight. He thinks staying the hospital makes him look weak. Being dead also make you look weak, but hey, you do you I guess.Report

    • Pinky in reply to Philip H says:

      Our president should have access to the finest treatment available at Walter Reed. That’s always been the president’s hospital. The health of the president is a national good. We’ve all learned that this disease varies a lot in severity. I’m not going to begrudge or second-guess anything.Report

    • George Turner in reply to Philip H says:

      He’s been fighting to make all those drugs available to everybody, along with the vaccine. The deep state is fighting him at every turn. He’s had to use his full authority as President to override bureaucratic decisions just to make available some of the treatments we’re using.

      The FDA wants to erect new hurdles for the vaccines and delay their availability to late next year, which will probably result in several hundred thousand more dead Americans – just to avoid risking one life. To me, that math is absurd. Would you kill 400,000 people to save one? Normally we’d call that willful mass murder.

      Now of course the government can’t force someone to take the vaccine, but neither should they deny anyone the opportunity to take it voluntarily. My body, my choice, as they say.Report

  11. Jaybird says:

    The interesting thing about the Covid is that it doesn’t go away. So, like, the scandal that you absolutely could not believe in July? The one that you can’t remember now? Well, the Covid will still be something Trump caught in two weeks.

    The thing that happened last week? I think it involved taxes? Nobody will really remember it in a week.

    But they’ll remember the Covid.

    One of the things that happened back in 2016 was Hillary Clinton having a medical event. Everybody and her sister explained how it wasn’t a big deal, people faint all the time, you have no idea what it’s like to stand outside in 80 degree weather, and so on. But… well. It’s never *GOOD* for your candidate to pass out at an event.

    This is Trump’s Medical Event.

    And it ain’t over. It ain’t close to over.Report

    • Philip H in reply to Jaybird says:

      Especially since CNN in now reporting the Deputy Commandant of the Coast Guard is positive, and so the whole of the joint Chiefs are now quarantining.Report