Peak Performance

Dennis Sanders

Dennis is the pastor of a small Protestant congregation outside St. Paul, MN and also a part-time communications consultant. A native of Michigan, you can check out his writings over on Medium and subscribe to his Substack newsletter on religion and politics called Polite Company.  Dennis lives in Minneapolis with his husband Daniel.

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5 Responses

  1. Oscar Gordon says:

    I wonder then how long it will be before the DNC suffers a similar fate? Or can they read the writing on the wall and firm things up?Report

    • North in reply to Oscar Gordon says:

      Well, they looked at the writing on the wall this year and then united against Bernie and nominated Biden so the DNC has a little life left in it and survives to fight another cycle. Though that is, really, an over centralized story. The DNC doesn’t have the same diametrically opposite interests as its voters that exists between the RNC and their core voting base.Report

  2. Anne says:

    Dennis, I don’t have a substantive comment as I am too overwhelmed at work to do much more thean read. but wanted to let you I enjoy your writing and points of view.Report

  3. Michael Cain says:

    I sometimes wonder why when people talk about institutions like this, they don’t include businesses, trade associations, etc (“Corporations are people too, my friend”). For a lot of people, 40 hours per week is more than they spend with any other institution. Those institutions are also enormously influential on matters of policy. I spent a chunk of a year once going around the country doing tech demos to convince the city/county cable franchising authorities to let us keep the franchise when we purchased smaller companies.Report