Weekend Plans Post: Air Conditioning Weather


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to AskJaybird-at-gmail.com

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13 Responses

  1. Pinky says:

    The other day I put on a mask and went to the grocery store, and it felt ordinary. It took me longer to adjust to wearing glasses than a mask (although, to be fair, I don’t have to wear a mask constantly). Most of the area parks have opened and they haven’t been too crowded. I’ve been avoiding going to Target, but who doesn’t?

    Our local forecast calls for a nice day Sunday, so maybe I’ll have a one-man picnic. Saturday is more of an A/C day, so I’ll probably be playing video games.Report

    • Jaybird in reply to Pinky says:

      If my glasses didn’t steam up, I wouldn’t have a problem in the world with the mask. Well, the beard, I guess.

      I’m sure that right around the time that masks are officially deemed No Longer Necessary (except on flights or during flu season), they’ll perfect the whole “steaming up” thing.Report

    • Pinky in reply to Pinky says:

      Speaking of games (although I guess it was me speaking of games), Steam had a clever non-promotion last week, called Spring Cleaning. The opposite of a promotion. They put out the suggestion that you dig through your old game collection for something to play. I loved that. In these hard times, don’t spend money on us, just have some cheap fun.Report


    > Oh yeah. It does that in June, doesn’t it?

    I thought that was more of a mid-July to August thing. 4:30 p.m. until six. I could set my watch by it.

    Air conditioning finally went on here. Only 81° / 27°C / 300 Kelvin but 68% humidity. It’s gentle, but I could not abide the weather.Report

    • A storm seems to be gently rolling in right now. Sky is dark and thunder in the distance.

      It might now be a June thing too.Report

      • jason in reply to Jaybird says:

        In Pueblo we tend to have the (possibility of) afternoon thunderstorms in June, and then our monsoon season in August. It all depends on the dryness level of a particular year. Do you remember just a few years ago when we had cool weather and rain through most of June? Good times. It’s definitely AC weather down here.Report

  3. fillyjonk says:

    I haven’t been out enough (make a trip into an actual grocery is maybe once every 2 weeks at this point) for masks to seem “usual.” I don’t object to wearing one at all, but it does remind me “there’s a pandemic on, so move carefully, be situationally aware, and for God’s sake be super polite to the people working in the store”)

    I went for a drive last night. Didn’t go anywhere in the sense of a destination where I got out of the car, but took the scenic route to the next town over to the west and drove around for about 40 minutes. Was surprised to see how far my comfort with driving, even on country roads, had declined in the roughly six weeks since I’ve been out of the county….

    No real plans this weekend; still need to do more yardwork before I buy plants and I also want to eyeball another week of case-data before I decide on the prudence of driving an hour’s round trip (into a county with more cases than mine) for a good big garden center.

    This is the “down” time of year for me anyway; in a normal year I’d not be doing that much anyway.Report

  4. PD Shaw says:

    The last three weekends around here have rained, sometimes at flooding levels. Forecast this weekend is sunny and mild, and I wasn’t sure what I’d be doing, but it looks like my comic book store is reopening. The rules keep changing that I can’t keep track.

    I don’t feel any need to rush there; I have a pull list. But I feel sorry for the young guy who bought the store at the beginning of the year. I thought the shop was on a downward spiral, but the new owner has made investments, brought in gamers, and acquired larger rental space for more social activities. The former owner’s model is clearly better suited for a time of epidemic, but was ultimately probably doomed. The new model feels like someone with luck would be more successful. Something, something about rolling something on a twenty-sided die.Report

  5. Aaron David says:

    Got my hair cut today. We had to take various precautions (and I told him he looks like a bandito with the way he was wearing the bandana.) Man that felt good.

    So, shopping with the wife tomorrow (specialty and household stuff) and out the door on Sunday. Monday will be wrestling with a wall fan for the upstairs bathroom. And when you house is pre-war, nothing you get at Home Depot (or lowes, Ace, whatnot) fits without modification. So, I had to pull out a chassis punch, snip of some mounting tabs, redesign a duct system, and now need to figure out how to place a 3D object in a 2D space.Report

  6. Slade the Leveller says:

    Those are like UK level AC temps. It’s gotta be at least 90 for me to fire it up, and it has to be humid.

    We’re not opened up in Chicago just yet, so nothing exciting happening at Slade’s house.Report

  7. Damon says:

    I got my first haircut in several months. The woman who cuts my hair was out of a job for at least a month and had to take a load out to pay her bills. I tipped very generously. She’s taken care of me for 15 years plus, it’s the least I can do.

    Doing more nerdfest Saturday and going to visit a friend on Sunday. Most activity I’ve had in almost a quarter.Report

  8. Pinky says:

    Hair cuts are important. I’ve seen some people growing beards because they don’t have to go into the office, and I’ll admit I did that once. But the longer this goes, the more important grooming becomes. We can all survive a month without looking good. Three months, it starts to play with your head.

    Besides, no one wants to enter A/C weather with three months’ extra hair.Report

    • jason in reply to Pinky says:

      I really lucked out in the hair department. I got a haircut the day before our state shut down barbers and salons. I have a flat top (mostly for the low maintenance factor). By the time they reopened, I was pretty shaggy (I was a few days from not being able to get it to stand up without major mohawk-level gel) by the time they reopened, but not horrible.Report