Sunday Morning! “Pasolini” by Enzo Siciliano

Rufus F.

Rufus is a likeable curmudgeon. He has a PhD in History, sang for a decade in a punk band, and recently moved to NYC after nearly two decades in Canada. He wrote the book "The Paris Bureau" from Dio Press (2021).

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21 Responses

  1. aaron david says:

    Jaybird remarked once, offhandedly, about what was the outrage du jour of just a week ago, and (assuming I remember this correctly,) going “huh.” The Art aspect does last longer than the politics because as time moves on, what seemed so mighty is brought down, or seen as false, whathaveyou. But Art transcends. It isn’t Passolini’s communism that lasts, it is his struggle against society.

    “What are you rebelling against?”

    “What have you got?” Indeed.

    As for place, this is going to be (in my estimation) the deciding factor going forward. Place is where language comes from, and as American English has become the lingua Franca of the 21st century, those specific and small divides will become more important to locate us as peoples. Indeed, Irish language schools have become more popular on that isle as English encroaches more.

    Right now I am reading short stories. Specifically pre-feminist greats like Flannery O’Connor and Shirley Jackson.Report

  2. Saul Degraw says:

    I’ve seen Salo. Interestingly, it might be the only Pasolini movie I’ve seen from start to finish. It is a bit much.

    I’m currently reading The Golden Passport: Harvard Business School, the Limits of Capitalism, and the Moral Failure of the MBA Elite by Duff McDonald. I’m just a little into it. There is another book coming out this September called The Meritocracy Trap which will cover similar themes I think. Or overlapping ones:

    I’ve known and observed people in these brass ring jobs in law, tech, finance, consulting, whatever. Contrary to a lot of left belief, these people do work incredibly long and hard hours. I’ve done minor versions of their travel schedules and find it rough (Getting up at 4 AM to catch a 6 AM flight to San Diego, coming back late at night, and then doing an 8:30 phone conference and getting in a car to drive to Stockton/Lodi for a deposition). Then back in the office for two days to catch up on work.

    This sucks. What I wonder is how many people caught in these jobs realize what the travel/sleep/work schedules does to them physically/psychologically or do they realize it and feel trapped with Golden Handcuffs.Report

    • Aaron David in reply to Saul Degraw says:

      I think they like it. One of the greatest differences between my brother and I is that even as we are both small business owners, he seemingly enjoys working 80 hour weeks. My mother was the same way with the business she started. Mine is mostly a time killer until retirement and I run it that way.Report

      • Saul Degraw in reply to Aaron David says:

        Maybe but there was a big law partner who committed suicide down in LA in 2018. There was also a partner of a big international firm that needed to step down because of exhaustion and died from it anyway at 56 or so. Trim looking guy too.Report

        • Aaron David in reply to Saul Degraw says:

          A good friend who was a lawyer just passed away at 50*. He was a man of many hobbies and not the 60-80 a week kinda guy. I don’t think there is enough of a sample size to make a determination.

          *He was 6’9″ and 400 pounds and people of that size don’t really retire. If you know what I mean.Report

    • I’ve done the insane hours thing for stretches when it was important, but could never have made a career out of it.

      The long one-day trips always ripped me up. Get up in Denver, two hour flight to the West Coast (from Denver, everywhere on the West Coast is two hours plus-or-minus ten minutes), do the meetings or software install, two-hour flight home. The day itself wasn’t that bad, but the next day was subtly “off” — like I’d been torn out of the space-time continuum and jammed back in, but not quite in the proper place or time.Report

    • Rufus F. in reply to Saul Degraw says:

      It’s weird- I think more people have seen Salo than anything else he did, perhaps because of the notoriety. It certainly made more sense to me why he made the movie after reading the biography, but it’s definitely not my favorite of his films. I would recommend starting with Mamma Roma or Arabian Nights.

      I first heard the term “golden handcuffs” last summer when talking to a man I’d just met who moved here from Toronto and was making the commute plus long hours of work every day. He said, “You know how it is, the golden handcuffs” and I probably just stared. I get it, but I’d rather stay up all night writing and painting and work a day job.Report

      • Maribou in reply to Rufus F. says:

        @Rufus-F. the only golden handcuffs that have ever worked on me were faculty/staff-level consortial borrowing privileges and an enormous degree of autonomy. But I’m… not sure that even counts as golden handcuffs vs. just having a good job.Report

  3. Jaybird says:

    When I was a kid, arguing Communism with/against the pinkos at college, there was a *HUGE* amount of making distinctions between the sub-sub-flavors of Marxism. You know the guys who make distinctions between R&B-flavored experimental electronica and Trip-Hop? It was like that, except for Trotsky.

    And looking back now, it’s like reading about the various heresies that got people slapped at Ecumenical Councils.Report

  4. Mike Schilling says:

    Coming up for Air, is my favorite not-one-of-the-big-2 Orwell novel. It captures his love of England as well as anything he ever wrote.Report

    • It’s a fantastic book and I really loved it. I read the big two in high school, like everybody and can’t really remember being too moved by them. I did love some of his essays and found Homage to Catalonia certainly interesting, but this one was a real pleasure to read.Report

  5. fillyjonk says:

    Currently reading (just started) “The Three Musketeers,” which I had never read but which I know some of the vague tropes/plot points of (funny how some of those things just filter into the culture; I think I’ve seen some of the cartoons loosely based on the characters).

    the translation I have (I am not enough of a masochist to read it in French, although I allegedly can read French) is supposed to be good but the translator (Richard Pevear) seemed to keep a lot of the archaic style and it’s a little bit more difficult going than I anticipated. I’m having to look up some of the words used (like anent and baldric) and that’s usually rare for me.

    I am trading it off with one of the pulpy “Golden Era” mysteries I like, this one a courtroom-based one called “Excellent Intentions.” The one thing I can say about Golden Era mysteries; usually the person who gets killed seems to have deserved it (and this is no exception, though presumably the perpetrator – who is apparently sitting in the dock as the action takes place, but has so far gone unnamed or his/her relationship to the victim un-mentioned – will face justice.)Report

    • Mike Schilling in reply to fillyjonk says:

      If you like The The Musketeers, I highly recommend reading the first sequel Twenty Years After too. The third one, The Vicomte de Bragelonne, three or four time as long and generally published in three or four volumes, is more of an undertaking.Report

  6. Mike Schilling says:

    I’m reading the Broken Earth Trilogy. These are SF books published between 2015-2017, each winning the Hugo for best novel, and they really are that good.Report

  7. Pinky says:

    A while back, we were discussing Philip K. Dick movies. I mentioned that there’s a film version of Impostor, which some people didn’t realize. It’s not a perfect movie, but it’s got a great cast, it moves at a good pace, and the ending has a decent twist (which I think is different from the original short story). Anyway, for those who are interested, I just noticed that Impostor is now available on Hulu.Report

  8. Maribou says:

    ” the sense one often gets in traditional regions that life will remain essentially unchanged long after one’s death- it can be highly restricting, but also extremely coherent and ordering.”

    Yes indeed. I feel this when I go back to the Island where I grew up, despite some pretty significant changes over time. And yet and yet, that coherent order that made me need to flee (and might well still give me that reaction upon exposure of more than a week or two) is still there, and still soothing, even in the most superficially modernized areas.

    Though you know, I also feel it in Montreal, but in a way that feels … much more possibility-laden. It isn’t *enforced* (or particularly enforceable!) there, but the sense of tradition is still available to one, albeit at a slight remove. I can come and go from traditional spaces in that city (be they greek-orthodox-traditional or street-punk-traditional), perhaps because they *aren’t* my own, so they hold me less tightly than my own do…

    I didn’t read jack squat last week, but I’m listening to the 400+ song official Coltrane channel on youtube and discovering a lot of beauty I wasn’t previously familiar with. (I have… 3? 4? of his albums? just scratching the surface really.)

    I’m grateful I don’t have whatever aural set-up makes people perceive jazz as noodly rather than deeply and beautifully structured.Report