Weekend Plans Post: Feeling Peckish
One of the comforts that the low-carb diet provides is that you don’t have to count calories.
Ideally, you won’t be eating stuff that has labels on the side like fresh veggies, meats that you season and cook yourself, and eggs. Lots and lots of eggs. When it comes to the stuff that you do eat that has labels on the side (salad dressing, marinades), you don’t care about calories at all. You just look at “carbs”. If it’s got 2 or less per serving, you’re golden. For dressings, this is pretty easy. Get the classy Caesar or the classy Bleu Cheese (they have to spell it that way! If they spell it the right way, it probably has corn syrup!). For marinades, you have to be a bit more careful… but if you’re grilling the stuff, it’s probably okay so long as it’s not over 4 or 5 (if you’re using the crock pot, stick to under 2).
So now you’ve got your meals. Hard-boiled eggs and bacon for breakfast (maybe a portion of cheese), meats and veggies for lunch, meats and veggies for dinner.
But let’s say it’s 2PM and you’re feeling peckish. What in the heck do you snack on?
When you read labels at the grocery store, you realize “jeez… I should only shop around the edges of the store and ignore the swaths of aisles in the middle unless I’m doing some seriously targeted shopping for salad dressing or black pepper.
I’m also noticing stuff like the sheer number of advertisements of hamburger places on the radio. The number of restaurants that advertise stuff like carbs rather than steaks or salads. The number of billboards on the side of the road that show french fries.
And, every year, I have to re-learn that the answer to the snacking question is stuff like cashews, almonds, bacon, rotisserie chicken, maybe another rotisserie chicken.
So, this weekend, for the gaming group… I’m bringing some nuts and fruit and yogurt to snack on. And I’m going to notice how many cans of Pringles we have down there.
Maybe I should bring some bacon too…
So… what’s on your docket?
(Featured image is “Istanbul, Turkey. 2015. Candy shop.” by Boris Thaser. Used under a creative commons license.)
Ah finally something I know a lot about.
I don’t personally do well on low carb diets but for my clients I have them do lower carb quite often. The big challenge is sticking with it when you have to go somewhere. There are quite a few processed options but if you prefer not to go that route:
Hard boiled eggs are great but are often hard to eat in public. Egg salad and tuna salad may be easier.
Cheese, nuts, seeds, jerky, snow peas, cherry tomatoes, all those little finger vegetables are all great.
Going to an event, meatballs and chicken wings can be low carb depending on the sauce you use.
They sell little packets of Justin nut butters with apples or celery.
Carrot sticks and fruit are good but are higher carb, some people don’t tolerate them as well.
If you like hummus and babaganoush those are good and low carb dips.Report
Dude, beef jerky has *SO MANY CARBS*.
You have to make your own. Seriously, every time I go low carb I am distressed that I didn’t buy Ron Popeil’s dehydrator.
I love hummus and babaganoush, but I mostly love them on naan. (Eating them with chicken wings is a close second, though.)Report
They have low carb jerky, it’s expensive but it’s out there.
Try them on carrots or pepper strips – it’s an adjustment but I actually like hummus better that way now.
Good luck!Report
It’s Fish Friday, so I’m preparing lemon teriyaki salmon, with spinach and veggies. I thought about adding jasmine rice but… counting calories…and writing. I haven’t had much time to do that this week.
Reflecting on my 40 days in the Southern desert.
Saturday,aside from my usual routine, I’m attending the St. Patrick’s Day parade with my mom and friends.
Sunday is church, then celebrating the holiday at myson’s Corned beef and cabbage with a side of Jameson’s, and I’m making a mint chocolate cream pie (sorry Em.🤣) for mygranddaughter. I love the combination together.
God Bless, Jaybird and everyone.Report