Welcome To New Dominion
The new site is ready! Welcome to ordinary-times-dot-com. Please let us know of any problems that occur. Some minor things are still left to be changed, but the site should be operational here.
Original Post:
At approximately 5pm tonight Eastern Time, 2pm Pacific, the site will go into lockdown. No new posts and no new comments.
With any luck by tomorrow morning everything will be operational again.
Though it should work automatically, please update your bookmarks to ordinary-times.com. RSS is less likely to work, so if you use RSS we recommend changing that manually at your first opportunity.
Image by jetalone
“This site is in lockdown. This site is in lockdown. Please step away from the keyboard.”Report
It seems to have worked, and perhaps faster than hoped. (I am at the new address, and if this posts, then comments are open – about 6:30 pm CDT)Report
It does look good, and both the sidebar and State of the Discussion seem to be up-to-date.Report
Testing, testing. If this works, I will get an email for all new postsReport
Looks good. Congratulations! (Haven’t tried writing a post yet, so reserve judgement on those aspects of the site.)
As I’ve mentioned in the past, almost every web page I download is processed by a piece of JavaScript that “rewrites” things to limit most text to two fonts and a small number of sizes, and enforce more readable character- and line-spacing. In addition to the generic code, there are bits to deal with the peculiarities of sites that I visit regularly. There’s about 30 lines specifically for Ordinary Times.
Much to my surprise, it all works on the new version of the site. The class and id names are the same — or close enough, in terms of regular expressions — that the code correctly picks them out and applies its changes. Remarkable! I had anticipated spending at least an afternoon taking pages apart and finding new identifiers.
Looks fine but for whatever reason the corporate filters think the new url is evil or something so I won’t be able to view it from qork. Le sigh, what a pain.Report
Oh, that is frustrating. I have no idea why. The new URL has been pretty much doing nothing ever. The previous people held on to it to sell it, gave up, we bought it, and did nothing with it until now.Report
Nothing on you at all. The employer has been gradually tightening their filters on internet use for ages so i don’t know if it is a change they made or the new Url or what. Obviously i can’t just slide up to IT and ask why they are blocking my favorite at work time sink. Heh.Report
Same thing happened today with my employer. I doubt that our to employers are in sync about this site, so I’ll assume it’s an OT issue for the moment.Report
Must have been sone programming change that made the filters freak. C’est la vie.Report
@damon @north Not that it particularly matters, but I think a lot of employers use the same sources/filters/algorithms for this stuff? It’s not a supercompetitive market last time I checked (which was a few years ago).Report
Good point. Sadly I don’t think I can get it fixed at work šReport
Me neither. Gonna definitly cramp my style being trapped on loathesome phone keyboards šReport
The gentlemen are dead, long live the times.Report
Testing comment.Report
State of the Discussion seems to be updating erratically this morning. Different most recent comments showing different ages in different places. Is anyone else having that problem?Report