

Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to

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7 Responses

  1. Fish says:

    I mostly avoided multi-classing, finding that concentrating advancement in a single class produced a far more powerful character than would splitting XP between two classes:
    2 Fighter types: 1 fighter–the tank, and one ranger/paladin/dual-wielding or other odd specialization fighter.
    1 Cleric whose job was to stand on or near the front lines and absorb damage while also doing the usual healing and buffing.
    1 Rogue with a high dex for contributing ranged attacks during combat while also being able to perform the usual rogue-ish duties.
    1 Mage or Sorcerer, depending on whether the game in question is one allowing item creation or not.
    That leaves on slot for…whatever. But I’m betting if we were to look back at the parties I built for Icewind Dale, this spot was most likely taken up by another fighter-type.Report

  2. James K says:

    The new version of Factorio has come out, so I’m playing that right now. Its a really relaxing way to spend an afternoon – just set up factories to build ever-more complex components while working towards launching that rocket.Report

  3. North says:

    I can’t play Icewind Dale (or IWD2). The music grabs my by the ears and I just sit and listen endlessly.

    Also the narration for the cut scenes in Icewind Dale Two are magical in some way. Something about the voice actress… I do not know what.Report

    • Morat20 in reply to North says:

      I snagged Planescape Torment: Enhanced Edition yesterday. A bit of a time-sink away from the stupid bees.

      (BTW, how do you remove bees from a hive before removing the combs? Vacuum cleaner. Well, suction device that looks a lot like a car vaccum cleaner. Which apparently only moderately annoys the bees. They go into some bee box thingy, buzzing and annoyed. Thankfully, the hive only looks…largish not humongous.)Report

  4. KenB says:

    I got the recently-released Terra Mystica for iOS yesterday (which I’d played a handful of times IRL) and have discovered that I’m apparently not very good at this game. So far they only have only “easy” AIs, but my two games against them have resulted in one close win and one not-at-all-close 3rd place.Report

  5. Kimmi says:

    *shrugs* I know game designers. I know playtesters. *shrugs*
    “Why are you playing a party with zero non-mage characters?”
    “So you have one mandatory tank (aka The Player Character), and everyone else is not specialized in fighting?”Report

  6. Hoosegow Flask says:

    I finally finished Pillars of Eternity. I backed in on Kickstarter, so I originally played in on release over 2 years ago, but fizzled out before the end of Act II. Not sure why I effectively bailed the first time. This time through, I played on a harder difficulty, so maybe it was lack of challenge. I’m looking forward to PoE2 now. Which, incidentally, is going to add multi-classing.

    I also picked up My Summer Car. It’s an early access game with no tutorials or defined goals. You begin with a note telling you to fix your dad’s old car and a completely disassembled car in the garage. There’s a bunch more to it than that, but I think the intent is for the player to try and figure things out for themselves.

    Car Mechanic Simulator did help prepare me, somewhat, for working on the car. Not a game I would have initially bought or thought I would like, but it came with a Humble Bundle I purchased and ended up really enjoying it.Report