Remembering Carrie Fisher

Michelle Togut

Michelle Togut resides in North Carolina with her husband and pets. She has worked as an adjunct professor of history, contributor and writer, and small-firm attorney, among other things. These days, she's trying to sell real estate. For fun, she reads political blogs of all persuasions, practices yoga, drinks wine, hikes, reads, and volunteers for a local animal rescue.

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25 Responses

  1. Maribou says:

    Thanks for this, Michelle. A beautiful tribute.

    And I had forgotten about Hearts and Bones!Report

  2. Mike Dwyer says:

    Beautiful post Michelle. Thank you for this.Report

  3. From a 1983 Playboy interview:

    Q. What are the net effects of being raised by show-business parents?

    A. Look at me; I’m a wreck. The worst. Don’t ever do it. If you had grown up with my parents, it would have been real weird for you. I didn’t grow up with both of them, but growing up with even one of them was not… I mean, I was on the movie-star map. When I was three hours old, I was photographed by Modern Screen. I don’t like being photographed. My father is now publicly saying that he took a lot of drugs. I don’t remember that. I spent my summers in Vegas. That was camp to me: sitting by the pool and hearing that weird music and having people paged.

    That’s a real answer; there was obviously a lot of pain there, and it’s also hilarious. Carrie Fisher was truly something.Report

  4. Jaybird says:

    I enjoyed her work immensely and always assumed that she was the same tough-as-nails as Princess Leia and then, as she aged, as General Organa.

    I’m sorry that we aren’t instead mourning her in 2036.Report

  5. Michelle says:

    As if 2016 wasn’t bad enough, Carrie Fisher’s mother, Debbie Reynolds, suffered a massive stroke this afternoon and died shortly thereafter. May she rest in peace.Report

  6. Roland Dodds says:

    Well done Michelle. Thank you for sharing this.Report

  7. veronica d says:

    My friends keep quipping that god is taking them so they won’t have to witness what is about to come.Report

  8. North says:

    I hope she finds the peace and privacy in the hereafter that she sought so hard in life.Report

  9. Liz Zivanob says:

    This is good. Along with being well-written, I appreciated your very personal account of how your relationship to her evolved. That helped me understand her a little better. Thanks, Michelle.Report

  10. Mike Dwyer says:

    @notme @morat20

    Knock it off for this thread… Not the place.Report

  11. North says:

    Hmm and to pair with this is a clever if nerdy obit for Carrie’s most famous character: