Slate EVISCERATES Keith Olbermann and Our Vogue for Snide Political Monologues in an EPIC RANT

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31 Responses

  1. Oscar Gordon says:

    You’d think, what with all those useless English Lit degrees being earned every year, media outlets could hire a few.Report

    • Pillsy in reply to Oscar Gordon says:

      Even English lit majors are going to turn in slipshod work under the constraints that #content-milling imposes.

      Also, that piece started off strong and decayed rapidly into leftier-than-thou wibbling towards the end. Sigh.Report

  2. Oscar Gordon says:

    I mean, it’s like the clickbait writers all have the same Word Of The Day calendar, and last week, Eviscerate was on there.Report

    • j r in reply to Oscar Gordon says:

      Makes me miss that couple of months a few years back when people were getting curb stomped left and right. Or when that pasty-looking fella from LGM was talking about putting heads on pikes.

      Personally, I enjoy all this talk of figurative violence from the folks least adept and least familiar with the employment of violence. It reminds me not to take them at all seriously.Report

    • Saul Degraw in reply to Oscar Gordon says:

      I suspect that a lot of clickbait is pure plagarism or some switching around to just credit the original writers.

      I get that some of this stuff is just venting and that is because politics can be emotionally draining. My big concern as I wrote to Richard on daily links is that this destroys any concept of rhetoric.Report

      • Oscar Gordon in reply to Saul Degraw says:

        I’m right there with you, Saul. Well crafted rhetoric has better legs and impact than quick & dirty hyperbole.

        ETA: A well written piece is a work of art, even if I completely disagree with it’s point. If I find myself finishing a read, and saying, “This author was wrong on every single point, but DAMN if that wasn’t a well written bit of wrong.”, that’s a treasure.Report

  3. “Elizabeth Warren Eviscerate ‘Gutless’ Wells Fargo CEO,”

    That one’s pretty good, though I’d bet it’s unintentional.Report

  4. InMD says:

    I think that the substance of the article has been said better numerous times by Freddie deBoer and some other writers. I see it in many ways as analogous to right wing radio. Seeing what that approach to discourse has done to the mainstream right ought to give a lot of progressives reason for pause. Play with themselves too much and they might forget how to play with others, much to the detriment of us all.Report

    • LeeEsq in reply to InMD says:

      Liberals who hate this sort of writing think that it poses the same dangers to liberalism that Right-wing radio posed to conservatism. It will corrode us and send us down the rabbit hole.Report

      • Pillsy in reply to LeeEsq says:

        I can sorta see the concern, but the way the linked article is set up, it seems to be that the author worries that the “eviscerations” aren’t savage enough to warrant being called that, even in a fit of hyperbolic metaphor. I really don’t think preferring more scathing political rhetoric would do anything to stave off epistemic closure–and indeed the author wraps up his piece with a complaint that boils down to progressive commentators (Oliver et al.) not being sufficiently leftwing for his taste.Report

    • Saul Degraw in reply to InMD says:

      I don’t know if FbBoer was ever able to make it into the Internet writing big leagues. He was made fun on the Toast once though. I guess that counts.

      Honestly, I am one of the guys who finds FbBoer pretty horrible to deal with and generally take the LGM stance against him. He is at least a fb friend of a college friend though so I seem a lot on FB.Report

      • InMD in reply to Saul Degraw says:

        Well I don’t want to thread jack this into a debate about him personally. I think his analysis provides a good counterpoint to the cultural assumptions (circle jerk is IMO more accurate) of a subgroup of college educated blue tribers who dominate social media.

        Maybe it only rings true to to me because I’m a fellow heretic, despite being pretty liberal in the small ‘l’ sense and demographically right in there with the educated urban crowd who I believe is the target of the critique.Report

      • North in reply to Saul Degraw says:

        It’s moot, you’ll have to write in past tense because Freddie has hung up on the internets now.Report

  5. notme says:

    The left needs to get nastier? They already lie about republicans so I fail to see how they could get any nastier.Report

  6. Kazzy says:

    My favorite is when they (mis)use decimate.Report

  7. Tod Kelly says:

    Those headlines always make me think of the scene from Arrested Development where Buster lets loose on him mom.

  8. James K says:

    On a related note, when did rant start getting used positively? Up until very recently I either heard it being used critically, or at least self-deprecatingly. Since when has a word best used to describe yelling at clouds been considered something to aspire to?Report

  9. Pinky says:

    Kevin Williamson’s look at Jon Stewart “the Destoyer” two years ago.Report

  10. DensityDuck says:

    I’m old enough to remember when people using violent, provocative language got Gabby Giffords shot in the head.Report