Timeline: events leading to Ken Livingstone suspension | The Guardian
Vanessa Feltz: Do you still maintain that they [Shah’s remarks] were not [antisemitic]?
Ken Livingstone: No. She’s a deep critic of Israel and its policies. Her remarks were over the top. But she’s not antisemitic. And I’ve been in the Labour party for 47 years. I’ve never heard anyone say anything antisemitic. I’ve heard a lot of criticism of Israel and its abuse of the Palestinians, but I’ve never heard someone be antisemitic.
Feltz: She [Shah] talked about relocating Israel to America. She talked about what Hitler did being legal. And she talked about the Jews rallying. And she used the words Jews, not Israelis or Israel. You didn’t find that to be antisemitic?
Livingstone: No. It’s completely over the top [but] it’s not antisemitic. Let’s remember, when Hitler won his election in 1932 his policy then was that Jews should be moved to Israel. He was supporting Zionism. [He then] went mad and ending up killing 6 million Jews. But the simple fact in all of this is that Naz made these comments at a time when there was another brutal Israeli attack on the Palestinians. And there is one stark fact that virtually no one in the British media ever reports: in almost all these conflicts the death toll is usually between 60 and 100 Palestinians killed for every Israeli. Now any other country doing that would be accused of war crimes, but it’s like we have a double standard about the policies of the Israeli government.
From: Timeline: events leading to Ken Livingstone suspension | Politics | The Guardian
It’s really weird to consider that London has had two mayors: Ken Livingstone and Boris Johnson.Report
Re: His history of Hitler/Nazi Germany
The New York Historical Society has a really interesting exhibit on the evolution of anti-semitic propaganda before and during Hitler’s reign. It was fascinating to see how seemingly minor things that could have been easily dismissed allowed the camel’s nose into the tent, so to speak. From what I saw there, this guy’s “historical” account is anything but.Report
Jeez. Don’t these guys get media training?Report
This comment is a test.Report
I’ll give it a B-.Report