Ohio: The Fulcrum

Image by National Garden Clubs
Oh, it’s such great fun talking about the Presidential race. This makes it easy to forget that the Senate is at least potentially up for grabs by the Democrats this cycle, a source of tepid anxiety for Republicans and “dare-we-hope-for-it” optimism by Democrats. Let’s take a look down the ticket for a moment to the United States Senate. 1
Currently, Republicans hold 54 seats in the Senate. There are 44 Democrats and two independent Senators who caucus with and usually vote with the Democrats. The balance of power in the Senate is therefore five seats. Here’s where you want to watch. I’m omitting the apparently safe seats from this assessment as they are unlikely to change in partisan control. Yes, there are more Democrats in Arizona than ever before, but come on, we all know John McCain is going to be re-elected.
So let’s look at the seats that are actually in play, of which there are eight. Two will be open seats, one is held by a Democrat, and the remaining five are held by Republicans.
Leans Democratic:
Colorado: Incumbent Democrat Michael Bennett will likely have a slight edge over whoever the Republicans pick to run against him, from among a potential primary slate of a number of county commissioners, a couple of mayors, and a couple of state legislators. Apparently the Libertarian candidate is reasonably well-organized as well, so this may siphon votes away from whoever the Republicans pick.
Florida: Republican Marco Rubio is vacating his seat. Rubio has had a rough time of it financially for most of his life, so I’m guessing he’s looking to cash out after his Presidential campaign. Look for him on the lecture circuit or to get a high-paying gig at a government relations law firm, or both. Meanwhile, a crowded field on both sides of the aisle has yet to narrow down to single candidates for either party. As fits the national pattern, the more urban an area in Florida gets, the more Democratic it votes, with the notable exception of Cuban-American voters in and around Miami who tend to vote Republican because the Cold War isn’t really over for them just yet.
Nevada. Democrat Harry Reid is retiring. Republican Congressman Joe Heck will likely face Democratic former state Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto. No one in Nevada knows what the world will look like without Harry Reid, and there seems to be no polling data at all. Nevada is very closely divided on the partisan level, with the Democrats possessed of strong union machinery in Las Vegas and to a lesser extent in Reno, and Republicans of both varieties (conservative and very conservative) dominant in the suburbs.
Wisconsin. Incumbent Republican Ron Johnson faces a pick-em match against Russ Feingold. Johnson narrowly defeated then-incumbent Feingold for the seat six years ago. Recent polling is within the margin of error. Both have significant statewide apparatuses, and Wisconsin probably has the greatest percentage of rural Democratic voters in the country.
Leans Republican:
New Hampshire: Incumbent Republican Kelly Ayotte had about a 4.5-point polling lead in January against Democratic opponent Governor Maggie Hassan. Rural voters tend to favor Republicans and if you ask me, the whole damn state is rural but I live in California so what do I know? Granite Staters are peculiar, and sophisticated, as watchers of the Presidential primaries will recall. Still, more recent polling shows Ayotte ahead by slightly more than the margin of error.
North Carolina: Incumbent two-termer Richard Burr survived a primary challenge and now faces former state legislator and current general counsel for Triangle Transit Deborah Ross. Burr shows about a 9-point lead in the most recent poll, but this also shows an 18% polling for the Libertarian and that just isn’t right — or it shows an astonishing softness of support for Burr that’s hard to read from afar. I’m a bit surprised that North Carolina isn’t rated as a firmer Republican hold, but perhaps better organization among the African-American community and a significant number of transplants in the Triangle area makes it tough but not out of the question for Democrats.

Image by DonkeyHotey
Ohio: Incumbent Rob Portman will square off against former Governor Ted Strickland. Portman seems like he should be favored, unless he is picked as a Vice Presidential candidate by a Republican nominee. If that happens, Portman says he doesn’t want to run two races simultaneously and some other Republican would have to stand up to Strickland, in which case this would be a good place for Democrats to look for a seat flip.
Pennsylvania: Incumbent Republican Pat Toomey will face off against a Democrat to be named later. The most likely choices appear to be either Kate McGinty, a former state environmental protection official, or former Congressman Joe Sestak, who lost to Toomey in 2010. Frankly, I never know what the hell to think about Pennsylvania, which seems like three states in one: a really conservative rural center (and north), one of the most classically Democratic urban areas in its east, surrounded by closely divided suburbs, and I’ve no idea how Pittsburgh and its environs go. Too many swing areas, and too high of turnout variability.
The Trump Card:
Since we’re looking with a high degree of certainty of either a Trump nomination or a badly fractured Republican party at the Presidential level, we shouldn’t count out the idea that maybe someone would want Senator Portman as a running mate despite the fact that this appears to be the most likely way for Democrats to regain effective control of the Senate. Trump might want him, or if there is a third party “Conservative Party” or “Federalist Party” candidacy, that candidate might want him. Frankly, I have a hard time seeing Portman bolting from the formal GOP, but this is kind of a weird year so I dunno.
Also, Trump’s candidacy is pretty clearly going to have some level of down-ticket pressure on other races. Will Candidate Trump have coattails, will he have negative coattails? Will a would-be Candidate Trump denied the nomination at a brokered convention renege on his promise to support the Republican nominee, and run as an independent anyway? If so, or if not, would that depress turnout?
What I don’t think will actually matter all that much is the Supreme Court nomination. People are going to be talking about Trump. The Supreme Court nomination will matter to party loyalists and may help out on the margins for some GOTV and volunteer-recruitment purposes, but really, what’s going to matter at the national level is the Presidential race.
My sense of it is that Trump’s involvement with the race will ultimately be a benefit to Democrats generally, and especially downticket. But again, this is a really weird election.
The Portman Decision:
This is not the first time Portman’s name has been floated as a running mate, and he’s near the top of the speculation list this year too for similar reasons as the last cycle. Portman comes as a “center-right” figure, not wildly conservative, perceived generally as a reasonable, but also by no means a “moderate,” so the conventional wisdom is that he can straddle both moderate and harder-core wings of the party. Does that conventional wisdom apply in this, the Year of Trump? Unclear, but Republicans are quite good at implementing decisions today that would have helped them win the last election, so Portman’s wing-straddle looks like a reasonably safe bet from that perspective.
If the Republican convention becomes brokered and John Kasich threads his needle to become the nominee, then he can’t pick Portman has his running mate because of the Twelfth Amendment. 2
Candidate Trump or Candidate Cruz should see Portman as offering the ticket three principal political benefits: a) he strengthens the campaign’s bid for the critical swing state of Ohio, b) his selection as running mate would offer a fairly meaty “let’s-make-nice” bone to the mainstream and leadership of the party, and c) he helps project an image of having sober, mature decision-makers as aprt of the planned administration. This would come at the opportunity cost of whatever some other potential running mate 3 might bring.
But it also comes at the opportunity cost of putting Republican control of the Senate into play. Portman has a slightly downhill battle for re-election to the Senate now, but losing the advantage of incumbency and name recognition would probably level the playing field and drop the state to the “pick ’em” level. Portman himself may be enough of a party loyalist to say he’s not willing to do that — and he might be enough of a realist to see that a gamble at being a running mate has somewhere between a one-in-two and one-in-three chance of making him… the Vice President, empowered to break ties in the Senate, but otherwise not likely to be trusted with any real power or significant access to influence the President, whether that be Donald Trump or Ted Cruz. So he might not want the job.
So even leaving aside the usual potential for scandals or gaffes or really smart campaigning or really dumb campaigning, there seems to be a realistic chance that the Senate could wind up being controlled by perhaps a single vote. Whether or not Rob Portman as a running mate is thought by the eventual Republican nominee to be an integral part of their bid to oppose Hillary Clinton could be the difference between a 51-49, 50-50-, or 49-51 split of control in the Senate.
That, in turn, is going to govern the playing field for the really important decision: whether and when Merrick Garland, or someone else, will fill the seat on the United States Supreme Court formerly occupied by Antonin Scalia. The outcome of that issue will affect the state of American law for a generation, in some ways more subtle and more profound than the outcome of the Presidential election.
So once again and now in more ways than one, the political center of gravity in the United States is within Ohio.
Image by Haydn Blackey
- As far as I know, the House of Representatives is not in any sort of realistic play with incumbent retention rates almost certain to equal if not exceed 90%, as they have in every election but one since the first Clinton Administration.
- Actually, a really close read of the Twelfth Amendment suggests that in fact you could have a Presidential and Vice Presidential candidate from the same state. Thing is, if they want to both win, they better not need their own state’s electoral votes. In this case, Ohio’s eighteen electors could not cast their votes both for John Kasich to become President and for Rob Portman to become Vice President. But electors from other states could vote for both Kasich and Portman. So that would mean that there’d have to be some gamesmanship as to how the Ohio electors voted, based on the anticipated margin of victory in the Electoral College resulting from other states. Simpler for a Candidate Kasich to pick a running mate from a different state than Ohio, especially if the Electoral College vote turns out to be close, and it’s hard for me to imagine how a potential Kasich-Portman victory in 2016 could be anything but close. Cue up the idle speculation about a Republican President and Democratic Vice President, this time selected from opposing tickets.
- Nikki Haley? If the Republican overlooks her Rubio endorsement and picks her, that might mitigate the inevitable gender gap resulting from the Democrats nominating a woman for President.
I think the sources are understating the Presidential election coattails – which is the turnout differential – regardless of the GOP candidate on the Presdential ballot. PA & WI are lean Dem in my mind because of this, OH is a toss-up – moreover, if Toomey retains his seat, the correlation means we have President Cruz.Report
I don’t think Wisconsin has nearly the “coattails” that PA does. PA is very, very heavily machine around Philadelphia. Makes it easy for Hillary to goose the numbers.Report
Ronnie was the last GOP candidate to win Wisconsin’s electoral votes. The only Republican Senator. Since Ike, there has been exactly one Republican victory in a Wisconsin Senate race that coincided with a Presidential election (and that was Ronnie’s first election, with the wave he produced).Report
A decent post.
New Hampshire used to be rock-solid Republican in the old Yankee mold but as the Republican Party grew more Evangelical, New Hampshire grew more Democratic. New Hampshire is also among the most secular states in the Nation. That being said, New Hampshire Republicans are just as capable of wingnut as anyone else but the state has a firm libertarian streak that never really jived well with the social Conservatives like Cruz.
James Carville famously described Pennsylvania as being “Philadelphia and Pittsburgh with Alabama inbetween.” This is essentially right. The suburbs around Philadelphia used to be solidly Republican but that was from the days when the Episcopal Church was called “The Republican Party at Prayer.” They have gone more Democratic (if not liberal) at the continuing rise of hardcore social conservatism. I suspect that the GOP can do well in Senate races during off-years but not Presidential years. Cruz would be off-putting to mainline residents.
Both Trump and Cruz are down ticket disasters for the GOP. Cruz’s redhot social conservatism does not play well in most states where the GOP has Senate seats up for reelection.Report
James Carville famously described Pennsylvania as being “Philadelphia and Pittsburgh with Alabama inbetween.” This is essentially right.
No, it’s just pithy. Greater Philadelphia’s a coastal city. The rest of the state is Rustbelt and it has the voting patterns of the Rustbelt. It may come as a surprise to that Louisiana lounge lizard that people in non-metropolitan counties in the Rustbelt are generally not all that disposed toward the sort of candidates he works for, but that’s his misunderstanding.Report
This is not the first time Portman’s name has been floated as a running mate, and he’s near the top of the speculation list this year too for similar reasons as the last cycle. Portman comes as a “center-right” figure, not wildly conservative, perceived generally as a reasonable, but also by no means a “moderate,” so th
No, he’s an haut bourgeois careerist.
Per William Schneider, the utility of the VP candidate for vote trolling purposes would be to collect a small sliver of votes in the candidate’s home state (Schneider has indicated that a passable estimate would be that it nets you 2% in that one state). California’s not in play and the only presidential elections in more than eighty years where shifting any other state would have been decisive would be 1960, 2000 and 2004. In 1960, the effect of shifting New York would have been a hung electoral college, which the Democratic majority in the House would have cleaned up. The electoral vote margin was so close in 2000 that Vermont or Nebraska would have done as well as any place else. So, 2004 is your only good example. Per Schneider, the goal with your VP selection as it relates to campaigning should be to avoid someone who will generate embarrassments and distractions (e.g. Eagleton or Ferraro).Report
Wouldn’t Rob Portman ably accomplish Schneider’s objective of “avoid[ing] someone who will generate embarrassments and distractions”? Portman is among the most boring men in Congress.Report
I think you’ve confused ‘boring’ with ‘insipid’.
A generation ago, Gerald Ford offered three criteria for a potential VP: to be able to take over the office of president with no notice, in general agreement with the president on programs and issues, and a good campaigner (in that order). He’s not any more ill-fitting than the other candidates running this year, I suppose.Report
Kos’ rankings are … interesting. And Partisan! (but he’s honest about that).
He’s got more eyes on the ground than most people do (having a lot of ties to the state party/backers/”netroots”).
I find it interesting that PA is “lean R” (in a good “Hillary wins in a romp” year, the Dem candidate picks up a ton of support from people that Hillary got to the polls).
Also worth a look:
(Edwards and Duckworth are old picks of kos’, i’m glad to see they are looking for higher office).Report
“Leans Democratic” seems proper for Colorado. There will be a couple of ballot issues with big-bucks advertising to drive general interest, the Republicans are unlikely to have as good a candidate as they did in Cory Gardner, and Bennett can’t possibly run a worse campaign than Udall did. OTOH, Bennett has been a largely reliable but faceless vote for the Democrats, other than some regional interests. And I don’t anticipate that he’ll get a particularly big boost from the top of the ticket that will (in my opinion, at this point) reflect purely NE urban corridor and Rust Belt interests.Report
So that would mean that there’d have to be some gamesmanship as to how the Ohio electors voted, based on the anticipated margin of victory in the Electoral College resulting from other states.
It’s not *that* risky. Or complicated.. For one thing, don’t forget they can abstain from voting for Prez or VP, it’s not like they have to vote for the other party. Also, don’t forget, that *ties* are decided in the new Senate and new House, respectively…and by the time the electoral college meet, they know who is in the House and Senate.
Without Ohio, there are 530 total votes. 265 being the middle.
If they are tied at D:265, R:265, half the Ohio electors just vote for Kasich, and the other half vote for Portman. The Prez and VP each get 268, thus winning. Same if the Dems are ahead with D:266, R:264. 4 votes for each puts them at 267, thus winning.
If it’s D:267, R:263, and the House and Senate are still in Republican hands, the electors do the same, adding +4 to the R, producing a tie and letting the House and Senate decide the presidency. And they pick…Republicans.
If it’s D:267, R:263 but the Senate has fallen into Republican hands…or it’s D:268 or D:269….the GOP only gets one office. So all vote for the President, and, yes, we have a divided presidency.
So there are exactly two dice rolls, or three if the Senate is lost, where running two candidates from Ohio can make a difference. Meanwhile, I’m actually not sure a divided presidency is really that *bad*, anyway. The VP’s office only has as much power as the president wants.
…except…except, wait.
If everyone knows this is going to happen *in advance*, if they know the GOP bet wrongly and rolled snake eyes…they could *all*, the entire GOP, decide to become faithless electors for just the VP, and pick someone else. Yes, it would look weird, but they’re basically say ‘Look, I know we said Portman, but we couldn’t get you Portman. If we had tried for him, the *Democrat* would be the VP. So instead we selected someone else.’
…and, hey, wait. Nothing is stopping them from picking someone that *resigns* and *the House then picks Portman* as the next VP. Heh.Report