The Curse of the People Who Can’t Stop Making Puns
So I admit when I saw this headline, my first thought was “How did the BBC find us out????”
But it’s actually a serious, fascinating story about a real neurological disorder, and what implications its study may one day have for treating dementia.
Which is, you know, much more BBC-like than my original theory.
These doctors are just shilling for Big SchillingReport
If you read the article (not that I recommend it), you’ll see that it’s about people who joke compulsively — only one if the reported cases involves puns. (That one, unfortunately, simply says “the man suddenly erupted in a ‘manic flight of speech’, compulsively recounting pun after awful pun”, but doesn’t quote any of them. ) Presumably the headline writer used “pun” as a form of clickbait because it, inexplicably, has negative connotations.Report
The guy I know who jokes compulsively only does so when nervous.
Of course, this is what prompted him to flee from speaking in front of a former POTUS.
(too easy the jokes were just too easy…)Report
Those people deserve whatever happens to them.
But only if it is bad.Report
Just more inanity for the Sunday morning pundits to blather about.Report