Inside Baseball
The internet is all a-twitter 1 with the notion, somewhere between a rumor and a trial balloon, that the president will appoint Pablo Sandoval to the Supreme Court. This would certainly be popular in Boston, since it would get the Red Sox out from under his bloated 2 contract, but the question is whether Obama should be panda-ing to them.
I saw that, and per my day-of post this is the sort of pick that I was talking about. Personally I’d be against, but I’d have to admire the smart politics behind the choice. Lock in the shift from Scalia on many if not all points – that’s just a smart move for your team.
Sure, he’s probably overpriced for what he delivers in .ops … but considering the alternatives you can hope for some upside in the future.Report
It’s better than settling for some lightweight.Report
A judge who wouldn’t be afraid to add weight to the scales of justice. Or might not even look at a scale…Report
Dang, much better phasing for that last paragraph just came to me… so, in the spirit of the original post I hereby amend as follows:
Sure your team may not want to pay that price just to add Sandoval to the bench, but his past production might hint at some upside value.Report
My favorite suggestion for trolling the Senate is for Obama to nominate this person:
The real kicker is that it isn’t a completely ridiculous idea on the merits: appointed District Judge by Reagan and Circuit Judge by Clinton is, on its face, a good start for a centrist choice.Report
“There’s even a groundswell for nominating Dave Barry. I am not making this up.”Report
Well, at least he breaks the Yale/Harvard consortium; but only just…Haverford.Report
Which, before the name change, was the University of Aziz.Report
After hearing about how Trump screwed over his brother, all that nomination will result in is Donald tearing his sister apart.Report