Daily Archive: December 20, 2012

Float, goddamn you.

Float, goddamn you. Donald K. Ryan, Oil, 60″ x 36″ I have mentioned previously that my father grew up in Jersey City, the son of Irish immigrants; that he was a Marine Corps officer;...

Approximating Evil

Describing “Empathy for the Devil,” Noah Millman writes: As for me, what I find most terrifying about stories like Adam Lanza’s is . . . that I can all too easily imagine what it...

Help an OG out

Our good friend and league founder Scott Payne is embarking on a new initiative, and he could use our help. He is applying for a new job with SumOfUs.org as their Canadian Campaign Manager....

A Message from Senate Republicans

Dear New Jersey, Staten Island, and Long Island: We know you are some of the biggest net donor regions in the country, with NJ getting back only 55 cents on every dollar you send...

I got a new camera.

A misty morning in Montauk Harbor In Tony Comstock’s post Why I don’t make movies anymore (and what I’m doing instead) I laid out how my family and I are responding to the changing...