No, Tyrion isn’t just like me


Daniel is a journalist.

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24 Responses

  1. E.D. Kain says:

    Eh, I quote myself all the time (especially in arguments with myself!) But I think you and Ben are making the same point, actually.

    I also think that, like Harry Potter, the writing style itself is just accessible. The names of characters aren’t quite so far-fetched. For all its complexity, the story itself is fairly straightforward. We’ll be delving into R. Scott Bakker’s work shortly, and I think it’s actually better fantasy, but it’s less accessible for a number of reasons, and I think we’ll want to talk about why as the book club(s) draw onward.Report

  2. Jaybird says:

    I realize how absurd it is to quote oneself

    It’s not absurd at all!

    How awful would it be to be someone who never said something worth quoting!Report

    • Daniel in reply to Jaybird says:

      Well I think that’s not necessarily the same as quoting oneself. My gripe with the self reference we’re talking about is that it’s often rooted in egotism. The self-quoting happens because the person thinks it sounds good, not because it’s uniquely insightful. I think you need someone else to better know when something you say is worth quoting or not.Report

      • Jaybird in reply to Daniel says:

        I think you need someone else to better know when something you say is worth quoting or not.

        I have one of those but she hates political arguments so we’re back at square one more often than not.

        In that vaccuum we are left saying “is there someone who already made the point I’m trying to make?” and, if there is, there ain’t no shame in quoting this person. Even if it’s you.Report

        • Daniel in reply to Jaybird says:

          Fair enough. Either way though, I just don’t like quoting myself. I don’t think I’m that insightful…although I realize that writing as a form is an egotistical medium and blogging semi-anonymously as I do is even more so.Report

  3. Mike Schilling says:

    I realize how absurd it is to quote oneself.

    It’s fine as long as you don’t do it in the third person. (Mike says so.).Report