Fools in Dorne


Daniel is a journalist.

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11 Responses

  1. Mike Schilling says:

    It seems to be part of the plan that the books visit all of Westeros, hence the Dorne chapters and Brienne’s expedition to the crownlands. Neither seems to be of much value to the story as a whole, and I don’t know why someone struggling to complete the series wouldn’t simply cut them.Report

  2. Ryan Davidson says:

    Geography is a problem here.

    There’s really only the two passes out of Dorne heading north, the Prince’s Pass and the Boneway. Taking the Prince’s Pass means marching through the Reach–something Mace Tyrell and his marcher lords are not likely to permit. The Tyrells and Martells have been rivals for quite some time now.

    And the Boneway doesn’t really go anywhere all that useful. Into the Stormlands, yes, there’s really no good way of getting to King’s Landing from where that takes you out. You need to go right past three castles, including Storm’s End, to get around the mountains. Not exactly the kind of things you want to leave to take you from the rear, and Storm’s End has never fallen by siege, so no dice there.Report

    • Daniel in reply to Ryan Davidson says:

      So Dorne is better placed to, say, secede from the Seven Kingdoms than assault King’s Landing? Hmmm. Important point. The Dornishmen would probably be happier if they provoked the Lannisters into attacking them.Report

      • North in reply to Daniel says:

        Keep strongly in mind that Dorne was the last Kingdom brought under the crown of Kings Landing and was always the most weakly held. Geography was a huge factor in that.Report

        • North in reply to North says:

          Really when you think about it Dorne and the North are really very alike in many ways. Each are strongly distinctive from the rest of the continental Kingdom; Dorne by their heritage from the Rhoynish, the North by their having never been conquored by the Andals, each are geographically seperated from the rest of the Kingdom by highly daunting geographical barriers; Dorne by mountains and the North by the Neck and neither of the regions were brough into the Kingdom by force of arms directly; the North surrendered to the Tagaryens and Dorne was brought in through marriage. They’re like north-south parenthesis to the rest of Westeros and they are the parts of the Kingdom that could most easily seperate both strategically and culturally.Report

  3. Ryan B says:

    I also don’t feel particularly strongly about Oakheart, but Hotah is just a bad mofo. If nothing else, I love the Dorne chapters for giving me him.Report