Daily Archive: October 7, 2011

Getting Into Shape For The Election

A reversal of policy like this has to have come from either Holder or Obama. And it hasto be motivated by the fact that November 6, 2012, is less than 400 days away. It’s...

Friday Night Jukebox: A Cover, Remixed

The album version of this cover is…. bleak. Which I think you might guess but not necessarily appreciate from the remix. While you’re at it, say hi to my husband, making his blogging debut...

Using a Phone

Dear Everyone in the First World: Since many of you seem to have a small difficulty with the use of telecommunications devices in spite of their ubiquity, I’m going to offer two pieces of...

Good Enough

Shiva stirred his tea with a fork. An ill omen. Last night was Brahma’s turn to do the dishes, but apparently he hadn’t done them. Shiva made his way to the veranda, where Vishnu...

So What Do We Do About College Athletics?

 (Note: This is not a real Denard Robinson action figure, even though it should be. It was designed by the insanely-talented Jeremy of The Art. The Art. The Art! He was kind enough to let...