Daily Archive: March 20, 2009

word for the day

infandous:  ““Unspeakable, not to be spoken of; nefarious,”  (archaic).  As in:  “[MP George Galloway] is an “infandous street-corner Cromwell.” –Alykhan Velshi, a spokesperson for Canadian Immigration Minister Jason Kenney. Re: barring Galloway entry to...

quote of the day

“Talk about misplaced anger. Wall Street built a wooden house, stuffed it with flammable material, set it on fire, and then poured gasoline on the blaze. And now it’s blaming the inferno on the...

Growth vs/equal to Prosperity?

Will Wilkinson reprints the response of John Cochrane to the Brad DeLong-Luigi Zingales debate at the Economist.  [The whole debate is very much worth the read]. Cochrane begins: Nobody is Keynesian now, really. Keynes...