Daily Archive: February 18, 2009


Is it just me or has there been a lot phrases bandied about lately that come, for lack of a better phrase, trippingly off the tongue?  For instance “liberal liberalism” vs “illiberal liberalism” (or...

from my ink-stained hands

I found this post to be a good rundown of why the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act is such a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad law. As someone who has been madly in...


K. Anthony Appiah writes: Alan Wolfe is the sort of social theorist who would rather be plausible than provocative. Eschewing the lunacies of the left and the right—avoiding even their slighter sillinesses—he hews to...

Not quite there yet…

Maybe one day I’ll write about something other than the markets, but today is not that day.  Anyway… A response to E.D.’s last post in this conversation: I recoginze that bank nationalization as an option...

Christianism and the Gay Marriage Debate

Regarding Andrew’s post about the full-page anti-gay-marriage ad run in the Salt Lake Tribune, I find I am once again conflicted over the use of the term “Christianist.”  While I do think it rightly...