My Top 10 Simpsons Episodes


Sarah Stook is a writer based out of the UK who focuses on history and politics. She is a contributor to Elections Daily and The Mallard (UK).

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6 Responses

  1. InMD

    Last Exit to Springfield is not only the best episode of the Simpsons ever, it may well be the best episode of anything ever run on broadcast television.

    The real travesty of course is that they started running some other show called ‘The Simpsons’ around 1997 that people mistake as having any connection to the classic that came before it.Report

  2. Slade the Leveller

    Bart-Mangled Banner (15/21). So many great jokes about post-9/11 America.

    I laughed so hard during Two Bad Neighbors I could hardly breath. Bush doing a lawn job in the Simpson’s yard was the best!

    Homer calling the White House wanting to ask Bill Clinton about Tang is one of the best throwaway lines ever written for TV.Report

  3. Mike Schilling

    Marge vs. The Monorail is, of course, a Music Man parody, with Lyle Lynley as Professor Harold Hill.Report

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