Blame America First
It’s not the same party that it was just a few years ago. The shift from patriotism to Blame America First came on suddenly for the GOP.
It’s not the same party that it was just a few years ago. The shift from patriotism to Blame America First came on suddenly for the GOP.
I truly wonder if I will ever again look at a ballot for President of the United States of America and see the name of someone worthy to hold the office.
Rare is the instrumental album which explores its theme in a coherent way to both artist and listener. Such an album is Dean McPhee’s Astral Gold
He may not have achieved immortality on his own, but he’s firmly attached to the coattails of those who have.
The caveat, which you won’t hear in the right-wing press, is that “the evidence does not establish Mr. Biden’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.”
>Sometimes the perfect is the enemy of the good. Sometimes though, it’s evil that is the enemy of the good. That seems to be the case with the border security compromise.
But what does winning this impeachment vote mean? Not much, other than a popcorn headline that the House GOP finally impeached someone.
Does this way lie madness? Perhaps, but it also leads to some damn fine maple syrup.
I got a friend’s kid a single-player game for his birthday. Watching a Zoomer play Fallout New Vegas. I am shook.
Pseudo-moons, or more accurately quasi-satellites, are fascinating objects and we now suspect that basically every planet in the Solar System has them.
I suppose we have cells that touched cells that touched the Renaissance or got Irish petrichor on them. It’s a Kevin Bacon game at this point.
I can admit now that I was ignorant. The good news is that ignorance can be cured with education.
There’s a lot to say about Seamus Heaney, but I’ll get to that some other time. I’m stuck on sound right now.
“Why can’t they both lose?” is something I frequently wonder in presidential election years. This year, that might just be possible.
There is a vacuum in political discourse right now that is-for the moment-being filled by the most famous woman in the country: Taylor Swift
Let’s toss a Cabinet Secretary Under the Bus – the Impeachment of Gus Mayorkas Further Illustrates GOP Disfunction
If I had to rank what I think Trump will be looking for in a running mate, his top priorities will be: Loyalty, Loyalty, and Loyalty
Thoughts on Seymour Krim and George W. S. Trow that probably fail to illuminate the uses of comedy and tragedy.
Overall I was able to predict 92 of the 115 nominee slots available across all 23 categories – 76% correct and a personal best for me.
Sometimes getting things done gets in the way of whipping the base into a frenzy.