Tagged: WordPress

Open Thread (Testing New New Comments New Since Last Visit Reloaded, Reloaded, Augmented)

Everything you know is wrong, and everything you like is evil and harmful. Did you see that thing? What a thing that thing is! America is pretty great. America is pretty bad. [ ] are pathetic, but you – you’re pretty darn terrific. Commenting on blogs is a complete waste of time. Everyone should support web developers financially to the very limit of ability to pay. RTod was right about something. This thing is/isn’t working.

The Snake Is Implemented

Comment Snaking? The Unbounded Snake? WordPress Comments Ouroborosified? Still haven’t hit upon the just-right name, but she is here – the comment thread version of Santanico Pandemonium.

Should We Retire the Mystery Man?

The figure is traditionally taken to be a “he”: Maybe it’s because he seems to be bald. Whatever the explanation, and despite WP’s decision to rename him the “Mystery Person,” relying on him or zir or it may still qualify as sexist. Plus he happens to be… white.

OT Site Dev Sitrep

It’s OK to say “Heidegger” and “Wittgenstein” and to include up to three links in the body of your comments; I’m going to do a fingers-crossed changeover on the comment subscriptions system soon; you can now use either of two contact forms, general/editorial and support, available via the main menu under “Contact”; expect more tweaking as we work on bigger changes.