Tagged: war on drugs

Meanwhile at Forbes…

1) I ask whether a faster SWAT response would have saved lives, and suggest that better trained and more effectively deployed SWAT teams is a better response to this tragedy than more invasive government....

Cutting Jobs Instead of Bombs

I don’t understand our political leaders. They’re so interested in cutting spending on healthcare and retirement – even the Democratic president is eager to start hacking away at entitlements – yet almost none of...

Libertarianism & Power

Freddie reads this post by Nick Gillespie on the arrest of a Reason reporter at a D.C. taxi public forum and writes: In a poor, majority-black city with a long history of drugs, crime,...

National Review and Prop 19

Here’s an odd statement from Andrew Sullivan: A search for a single mention of Prop 19 in today’s National Review found only this measured piece by Reihan, one of our most illustrious Dish alums....

Prop 19

Writing over at The Corner, Kevin Williamson points to the No on Proposition 19 campaign’s website, which has the following statement beneath the picture of a smashed up school bus: On average, a drunk...

Gary Johnson 2012

On Twitter today, Roger Ebert said of Gary Johnson: “The part I don’t understand: Why is this man a Republican?” A better question is – why isn’t the Republican Party more like Gary Johnson?...

Mother Jones and the War on Drugs

Mother Jones has a series of articles on the doomed-from-the-start War on Drugs well worth checking out.  Oh, and you can take the quiz, too!  See how much you know!  (I missed two questions…)...

A Quote for the Afternoon

Via Brad Warbiany at the Liberty Papers. Doug Bandow,David Rittgers, Cato@Liberty: As I have said before, the quickest way to create an insurgent is to burn a man’s livelihood. This may be a competent counternarcotics...