Tagged: vouchers

School Choice and Single Payer

(This post originally appeared at Forbes. I’m posting it here partly because I think it’s a consistent position to support both single-payer healthcare – something many progressives advocate – and single-payer education – something...

Against education subsidies

Kyle writes: [F]or decades, we’ve allowed students in need to get federally subsidized loans to attend both public and private colleges and universities. Some states, even provide scholarships and grants that can be used...

public plans, vouchers, and choice

“This, then, is the fundamental conservative problem: you can either have universal coverage or you can have a quasi-free market.  There’s no way to have both, but no one is willing to say publicly...

A Thought on Healthcare

Reading the comments to E.D.’s link-fest yesterday, I noticed that there is a lot of resistance to the idea that universal health care will stifle innovation in the US.  This idea is generally taken...

health care musings

[updated below] Peter Suderman, from his new perch at Reason Magazine, dissects the looming breakdown of the public option in Obama’s push for health care reform.  At the crux of the issue lies the...

Understanding Markets

E.D. thinks that market economics don’t apply to education.  Chris disagrees, but thinks that market economics ultimately are about controlling people and inevitably creates – specifically in the realm of education – a form...

Misunderstanding Markets cntd.

“[T]he folks at Harvard, Columbia, and Yale, are held accountable by … whom, exactly? Oh, that’s right: they’re accountable to their customers, who by virtue of their participation in a market that – ideally,...