Voting for Republicans is Voting for Fascism
It is up to all of us to be honest and clear eyed about what it means to support such a party that doesn’t support democracy
It is up to all of us to be honest and clear eyed about what it means to support such a party that doesn’t support democracy
History might be repeating itself. So, who are the Houthis and what are they doing in the region that is causing such wide-ranging effects?
For those who decry Western support for Ukraine, everything is a precursor to World War III. But this couldn’t be further from the truth.
Despite its recent expansion, the BRICS ‘alliance’ is nothing more than vaporware. Claims of the death of the American-led world order have been greatly exaggerated.
The atomic bombs dropped on Japan are not only defensible, but actively good. The critics who ignore the historical record and embrace presentist analysis fail to deal in reality.
Airshows have been an American tradition since we pioneered powered flight in 1903; the experience is peak Americana and says a great deal about the American cultural identity.
The most hardcore supporters of Ukraine in the West are too gung-ho about war aims, to the point of being entirely counterproductive.
Should the strong protect the weak? The answer to this question says a great deal about the divergence between contemporary European and American attitudes on foreign policy.
What’s more fun than some light trolling? This movement needs a motto, and there’s one just begging to be adopted: Make Beijing Peking Again.
Friendly control of Taiwan is a core national security interest for the United States, and not just because of its economic heft. The strategic implications of the former Formosa go back over a century.
The China-brokered deal between Iran and Saudi Arabia has shuffled the deck in the Middle East, cutting the US out of the pot.
So, is ‘national divorce’ a reasonable idea? Perhaps
A brief polemic against the most monarchical, overblown, tedious piece of political entertainment in the American system,
The Biden administration has a fatally flawed understanding of our position vis a vis our geopolitical adversaries; their consequent reluctance to capitalize on weakness betrays American interests.
The Biden Administration is getting played by Xi Jinping and flirting with national disaster in its geopolitical handling of China.
What it will look like when we go our separate ways.
From the indispensible @sarahkendzior, a guide for those who worry about the potential for the incoming administration to erode liberty.
Could Abraham Lincoln really have sidestepped the entire American Civil War by using the government’s power of property condemnation to buy all of the slaves in the South and then free them?