Tagged: tea party

Wikileaks and the Tea Party

One side effect of the Wikileaks controversy is how it’s fracturing the Tea Party movement. On the one hand, Ron Paul recently tweeted his support for Wikileaks: Re: Wikileaks – In a free society,...

Why Chuck Should Start a (Local) Tea Party

This video – via Radley Balko’s digs – is a good illustration of the many job-destroying, prosperity-hampering, mind-boggling regulations that various local governments have in place which make it harder for you and me...

Class/Cultural reactions to the tea party

I’ve been out of the loop a bit these past couple weeks, helping out peripherally on a local primary race, and afterward just needing a few days to kind of process some thoughts without...

The Outsider Elite

Interesting article about the “grassroots” nature of Obama’s Organizing for America: [Organizing for America] also holds online strategy sessions, offering supporters the chance to “join the discussion,” “interact,” and “ask questions.” But amid the...

“The Movement”

I know the “teabaggers” are supposed to represent some combination of incipient fascism and no-nothing economic sloganeering, but this New Yorker profile makes the whole thing seem awfully benign.


A lot of the reaction to my conservapedia piece falls along the lines that you would expect – essentially that I’m painting with too broad a brush.  I probably was in that post.  Obviously...

Strange Bedfellows

Here’s an entertaining scoop from Mother Jones: Crackpot ex-KGB academic teams up with tea party radicals to predict the imminent break-up of the United States.

The Futility of Protesting

Andrew Sullivan has been taking flak from movement conservatives (what else is new?) for calling the Tea Party protests nothing more than childish “temper tantrums.”  He has repeatedly pointed out the hypocrisy of these...