Tagged: Sailing Away to Irrelevance

On the Aftermath of Hobby Lobby

Just a few days out from their SCOTUS victory, movement conservatives have already found a way to turn their potential triumph into a political train wreck. Tod Kelly explains.

The Right Path, Part I: “To look more hard working”

The second in a four part series that argues that the left is headed down the same path toward the wilderness that the right began two decades ago. Before we look at the left, however, we must first examine the actual path blazed by movement conservatives.

Unassailability: Meta Analysis

Did Rush Limbaugh really tell his caller, “Tony from Tampa,” to not watch FOX? No, he told his caller not to watch a particular panel of “liberals” on FOX Business Channel. As Mr. Limbaugh...

This Is Why the GOP Can’t Have Nice Things

Maybe Georgia Republicans were right after all; maybe Obama really does a Marvel-comics-like mind control ray. How else does one explain the obliviously self-destructive actions of Rand Paul and the entire right-wing media machine...