Tagged: Sailing Away to Irrelevance
The Myth of the Press’s Anti-Trump October Surprise
Those who claim the press have been conspiring to sit on stories about Donald Trump haven’t been paying attention to the press.
Appealing To A Certain Demographic
If we live in the age of the politics of personality, then perhaps litigation offers a window to a candidate’s embittered, unpleasant soul.
On the Aftermath of Hobby Lobby
Just a few days out from their SCOTUS victory, movement conservatives have already found a way to turn their potential triumph into a political train wreck. Tod Kelly explains.
The Donald Sterling Scandal as a Minority Outreach Case Study
The public aftermath of the racist comments by the NBA Clippers’ owner offers a perfect microcosm for why the GOP fails so spectacularly at minority outreach. It also offers insight as to how that can reality be changed.
The Right Path, Part I: “To look more hard working”
The second in a four part series that argues that the left is headed down the same path toward the wilderness that the right began two decades ago. Before we look at the left, however, we must first examine the actual path blazed by movement conservatives.
Sailing to Irrelevance: Irrelevant is the New Normal
Moderates and independents keep waiting for national defeats to force the GOP to change their ways. Tod Kelly asks if the party might be happy to stay right where it is, electability be damned.
Unassailability: Meta Analysis
Did Rush Limbaugh really tell his caller, “Tony from Tampa,” to not watch FOX? No, he told his caller not to watch a particular panel of “liberals” on FOX Business Channel. As Mr. Limbaugh...
This Is Why the GOP Can’t Have Nice Things
Maybe Georgia Republicans were right after all; maybe Obama really does a Marvel-comics-like mind control ray. How else does one explain the obliviously self-destructive actions of Rand Paul and the entire right-wing media machine...
Sailing Away to Irrelevance, Epilogue: In Which the GOP is Finally and Inevitably Made Irrelevant
Two weeks ago, while almost no one was watching, Rick Santorum and the conservative media pulled off an historic, astounding and quite literal coup. They did this with the tiniest of acts: organizing to...
Sailing Away to Irrelevance, Part IV: The Benghazi Scandal vs. The Benghazi Scandal™
On election night at Fox News there was one question that was asked over and over by desperate anchors, experts and reporters alike: Why had the American people ignored the Benghazi story? Or to...
Sailing Away to Irrelevance, Part III: Obama and the United Nations are Coming to Take Away Your Guns
Last June as I was live-blogging three hours of pre-recorded primetime FOX News shows, I saw a segment that accused the President of the United States of treason. In that segment, Sean Hannity and...
Sailing Away to Irrelevance, Part II
“But there is another kind of light; a light that fills even the darkest places. For if this meat-light did not exist, how could darkness be seen? And so it is with the truth....
Sailing Away to Irrelevance: Rush Limbaugh & The Right’s Self-Destructive Dependency on The Media Machine
Nine months ago, Jaybird asked readers and contributors alike to take a stab at predicting the outcome of the then-burgeoning 2012 Presidential Campaign. My answer then stands today. (BTW, a big hat tip to...