Tagged: Romney


Mitt Romney Writes a Thing, People React

What we now have in this latest version of Trump v Romney is two men in whom it’s been established who and what they are. In Romney we have a throwback vestige to the Republican party of the time before Trump the disruptor came, in many ways, as the reaction to that type of politics.

Nassau County is Not an Obama Love-fest

I have heard it suggested, in our own backyard and countless times on Twitter, that Obama had a homefield advantage because the debate was in New York. Thus, he got softball questions. Please set conspiracy theories...

FDR On The Modern Republican Party

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Get More: Daily Show Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,The Daily Show on Facebook The whole segment with Stewart is great, but the clip of FDR is prime,...

Paul Ryan Was Right (I’m Serious)

As much as I’d love to revel in Ryan’s tax-evasion during last night’s Vice Presidential Debate, I have to—oh it hurts!—agree with him. I’ve written in the past about why exactly I loathe Paul...

Have Romney’s Tax Returns Been Hacked?

[ORIGINAL] — So it is being reported, by various outlets, that a “group of hackers” has obtained, through something resembling Mission Impossible/Sneakers like antics, several of Mitt Romney’s prior tax returns.

The Evangelical War on Mormonism That Wasn’t

[Promoted by request from the Dutch Courage sub-blog.] A rather odd–or underreasoned–op-ed from Harvard prof Noah Feldman is making the rounds, that Mitt Romney’s candidacy is Mormonism’s ticket to American Protestant acceptance. That’s a...