Tagged: politics
The Shakedown
As we ramp up to the second Trump Presidency, corporations are lining up to throw money at the incoming President.
The Virtue of Tuning Out
Not letting the deluge of news overwhelm and demoralize you is a challenge of this age–but not an insurmountable one.
No Matter which Candidates You Bet on, You’ll Get a Shock or Two
Betting Markets have always been with us.
The Spread
By this point in 1912, the lower 48 had been established (though only for a handful of months)
Voting for Republicans is Voting for Fascism
It is up to all of us to be honest and clear eyed about what it means to support such a party that doesn’t support democracy
Ineffective Activism: Don’t Be An Asshole
Being an asshole is not going to garner sympathy. In fact, being a destructive asshole can end up garnering support for the other side.
MAGA versus Taylor Swift
There is a vacuum in political discourse right now that is-for the moment-being filled by the most famous woman in the country: Taylor Swift
2023 Turkeys and Drumsticks: The Year of Finding Out
I take advantage of the Thanksgiving Holiday to give out my awards for 2023 Turkeys of the Year and Golden Drumsticks.
All the President’s Charges: On Donald Trump and Pounding The Table
The last of four major indictments of Donald Trump finally dropped this week, assuming he hasn’t committed any crimes in the last 48 hours.
If This is 1776, John Eastman, You’re On The Other Side
Trump Republicans are not 1776 colonists, they are George III having a fit that Parliament exists. And John Eastman is the apotheosis of this.
I’ve Had My Fill: Of Limited Faith or Interest in Contemporary Politics
Political debate has become sufficiently abstracted that it bears little resemblance to the underlying policy issues.
Mo Bitter Blues
Mo Brooks wants credit, I guess, for doing the bare minimum necessary to not be a traitorous weasel.
P.J. O’Rourke (1947-2022)
Today, while the news circulated, I saw libertarians, conservatives and liberals all citing P.J. O’Rourke’s work and quoting his best lines.
Nick Kristof and The Moosylvania of Politics
The situation with Kristof’s residency reminds me a bit of the fictional island of “Mooslyvania” on the old Rocky and Bullwinkle Show