Tagged: Paul Krugman


Class War at the New York Times!

So Paul Krugman got a little pink in his latest column: The austerity agenda looks a lot like a simple expression of upper-class preferences, wrapped in a facade of academic rigor. What the top 1...

The Grand Bargain, Revisited

Before describing himself as “agonizing” over whether to support it or not, Paul Krugman tries to distill the pro/con of the latest potential Grand Bargain: So is what Obama gets out of this — basically unemployment...

The Conscience of a Liberal

Despite modern liberalism’s sweeping scope, no one seems to know quite what it is. Liberalism appeared somewhere in the sixteenth century—“St. George, in the guise of Rationality,” as Kenneth Minogue puts it—to slay the...

Nostalgia & Freedom

“In general, I am agnostic on exactly how libertarian I want society to be.  What I know is that I want more libertarianism (of certain kinds) than we have right now.  After some changes...

A Response to Paul Krugman

by Christopher Carr Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman’s existence in the popular consciousness largely rests on ideological antagonism.  Krugman’s infamous September 2009 New York Times Magazine editorial, “How Did Economists Get It So...

The Anti-Broder Center

Mark: Something I’ve been noticing lately is that the perjorative “centrist” has been getting applied with increasing regularity to an entirely new group of people by both left and right. Historically, it’s been a...

climate change is off the charts

Remember that big chart Al Gore used in his documentary?  If not, here it is: This chart shows the correlation of high global temperatures and high CO2 levels (though some have argued that if...

Economics As If The Bible Mattered

“Pushing on a string is difficult. Pushing a zombie on a string is even harder. Pushing a zombie bank on a string is impossible.” William Buiter — Warning: I’m about to go on a...