The Posters
“Why tear down the Kidnapped posters?”, they ask. The posters are political propaganda and should be treated as such.
“Why tear down the Kidnapped posters?”, they ask. The posters are political propaganda and should be treated as such.
With the latest escalation in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict raging on, President Biden had calls w/PM Netanyahu and President Abbas
The latest violence in the never ending Israeli-Palestinian conflict is at its highest pitch in some time, while the world calls for a cease fire that seems far away.
“The Trump administration declared on Monday that the United States does not consider Israeli settlements in the West Bank a violation of international law, reversing four decades of American policy”
When a Supreme Court Justice calls an entire city a “delicate subject,” there’s pretty much only one city he could be talking about. Burt Likko breaks down today’s division-of-powers decision.
Katherine MW explores land use and water rights issues in Palestine.
John Cole posts this video (an expanded version of the one stirring up all this controversy) of Helen Thomas answering some questions about Israel and journalism: Well, it’s not exactly the most sensitive thing...
In the comments to my earlier post on Israel/Palestine, North and Michael Drew got into a very intelligent (and spirited) back and forth. Michael eventually wrote the following (way down in the thread of...
Stephen Walt thinks that the latest spat between Israel and the US is grounds for bringing back up a topic that very few want to discuss: what plans/solutions/options remain if (and when) the two...
Roger Cohen is on board with ending the Peace Process and moving to a de facto ceasefire (though admittedly still pretty awful ) in Israel-Palestine. Money quote:
Rob Malley and Hussein Agha have a very thought-provoking piece in the New York Review of Books (h/t Marc Lynch) concerning the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. In effect, they argue that the peace process is...
Via Spencer Ackerman is George Gilder’s pretty reprehensible argument in favor of Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories: [KATHRYN JEAN] LOPEZ: What do you mean these wretched refugees benefited from Israel? GILDER: The key period...
Well, not exactly, but if you want to set down that cynicism for a moment, this could be the beginning of something perhaps sort of resembling a peace…
by max socol In the bowels of ED Kain’s most recent Israel prophecy, there’s a (pleasantly civil) debate swirling around the security implications of a West Bank withdrawal. As I mentioned there, it reminded...
Moses Maimonides, the famous Jewish physician and theologian of Medieval Cordoba, had a tendency to refer to the Muslim Prophet Mohammad as “the madman.” Maimonides had reasons abundant to use this term. The Jews...
Via Andrew, Chris Hitchens has some harsh words for Israeli settlers in the West Bank: Peering over the horrible pile of Palestinian civilian casualties that has immediately resulted, it’s fairly easy to see where...
Noah Pollock is in rare form in this Commentary Post – utilizing all the tired, typical old strawmen and red herrings against “paleos” and the unabashedly critical conservative voices at the American Conservative magazine...
There is something remarkable and frightening about the fact that Avigdor Lieberman’s Party, Yisrael Beiteinu, came in third in Israel’s recent parliamentary elections, gaining 15 seats in the Knesset, only 13 fewer than Tipi...
As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, it is the settlements more than anything else that prevent a two-state solution from being realized. Whereas the Palestinians have no true guiding authority to end, once and...
Max Socol is unhappy with our initial foray into the Israel/Palestine debate: Moral arguments concerning Israel and Palestine may be of incidental interest (i.e., did Israel commit war crimes in Gaza? Who is to...