Tagged: Julian Sanchez

Otters, dogs, & liberaltarians

For those of you who haven’t been paying attention, Megan McArdle and Peter Suderman are off to get hitched. Congratulations to them both! The good news doesn’t end there, however. Guest-blogging at McArdle’s digs...

More on ressentiment.

E.D. mentioned Julian Sanchez’s “ressentiment” rant from Coldcocked the other day. Don’t miss Julian fleshing out his thesis.

“Taking responsibility” again.

Conor Friedersdorf has posted another entry in the “sprawling, muddled debate about the state of the right, the role dissident conservatives should play, and the wisdom of attacking talk radio hosts” that’s been playing...

An Exceptionally Moral United States

I have a confession to make.  Despite all my criticisms of waterboarding, American foreign policy interventionism, and a whole host of other aspects of the modern federal government, not to mention my refusal to...