Tagged: First Amendment

Alex Jones

The Pending Discovery of Alex Jones

There is still quite a bit of doubt that the lawsuit will be successful. Still, the fulcrum point of any civic action as to whether it is going anywhere or not is discovery, and having probing eyes into his operations is something Alex Jones cannot be happy about.

Review Of The Charges

A close look at the law and the allegations suggests that outrage about the Brandon Duncan prosecution may be based on incomplete information. Burt Likko dissects the charges and the law for your review, compares that to the advice of his colleagues, and then finishes his nightcap.

Minimum Beard, Maximum Deference

Turns out, a Muslim prisoner has a right to grow a beard even if the warden doesn’t want him to. Burt Likko digests today’s big SCOTUS case of Holt v. Hobbs to reveal something about what this means for those of us who aren’t Muslims in prison.

First Monday 2014

Same cast, brand new season! Burt Likko offers a look at some of the high points of the Supreme Court’s docket for the 2014-2015 Term.

2013-2014 Term Recap (Save Two)

It’s the close of the term, and here’s a recap of the major cases from SCOTUS this year. Some surprising results. Some, not so much. Alsotoo: we’re waiting until Monday for the Hobby Lobby and Harris decisions.

Free Speech Is Dead, Donald Sterling Edition

First, it was Brendan Eich, a heroic American whose only alleged transgression was lending financial support to a political movement explicitly predicated on the idea that gays were a threat to the safety and...

Sorry, Tea Leaf Readers

A potentially mighty case dies not with a shout, but with a one-sentence memorandum, full of legal formality, signifying nothing.

To No One’s Surprise

A squib of a post about this morning’s Supreme Court decision in McCutcheon v. FEC. Very brief: aggregate campaign donation limits unconstitutional.

SIHTAF: The Video Game Addiction Lawsuit

SIHTAF means “S[omething] I’ll Have To Apologize For,” as in readily-mockable conduct by a brother or sister member of the bar. Today, I contemplate my cocktail-party response to some guy suing video game publishers because his adult son has become a Playstation waste-oid.