About-faces of Consequence
My overarching question is this: Can any of these figures articulate a set of principles that they’ve embraced throughout their processes?
My overarching question is this: Can any of these figures articulate a set of principles that they’ve embraced throughout their processes?
If the GOP truly value freedom and liberty then multi-cultural liberal democracy is still the best way to achieve it
It’s morally repugnant to compare the Justice Department and the FBI to the East German Stasi, a secret police organization.
So is the left in America authoritarian? Does it contain authoritarian elements? Am I just in my own little bubble?
The latest The Old Gods Podcast from Birch Smith and talks about the components of modern conservatism, and how populism devoured them all.
From our friend and Ordinary Times contributor Dennis Sanders comes the latest episode of his En Route podcast with guest Josh Lewis on Conservatism.
François-René de Chateaubriand tried to find his way in the moments after the old world had ceased to be, and the new one had not yet come into being
The most influential force on young people deciding on whether or not to be conservative is the behavior of current conservatives.
The world you think you want, if everyone would stay quiet and follow your rules, will not be implemented without an astronomical cost in human life.
Why not support Trump? It’s a simple answer really, but let’s begin with another more pressing question: Why not be a conservative?
Nobody knows what conservatism will look like in 2024. What is clear, however, is that some things will change beyond Trump.
If Integralism sounds like fascism, well, that’s because it sounds like fascism. Integralists should be treated as such, as well as its advocates
Your Ordinary World for 12Mar19 with links to stories about President Trump, Speaker Pelosi & impeachment, reparations debate, religion & conservatism, Jeffrey Epstein, and Rep. Amash to read, share, & discuss.
Your Ordinary World for Monday with links about the Super Bowl, HBCU still struggling, Ralph Northam, Progressive FoPo in 2020 campaign, find every language, conservative media, and a trailblazing flyer gets historic sendoff.
Turning the right page…
Never Trump Republicans may go the way of Moderate Republicans with no desire to do anything more than complain.
Is it possible that the idea of death tickling at the back of our mind is pushing us to be more ideologically rigid as our population ages? Is fear driving our new partisan gulf? As a thought experiment let’s be brave and think about death for just a moment.
Conservatives especially would do well to remember that a core principle of their alleged beliefs is personal accountability. If conservatives or anyone else hope to attract people to hearing them out, a fully developed sense of handling unfairness in a constructive way is key.
American conservatives should consider the example of Robert Peel in trying to figure out the way forward.