Subsidized Birth Control and Matt Walsh’s Dubious Theory of Rights
Do you have a right to a product that must be provided to you through governmental coercion?
Do you have a right to a product that must be provided to you through governmental coercion?
Defending the right of employees to choose to work holidays like Thanksgiving threatens to ignore the fact that, for many, choice never factors into it.
By way of Popehat, Arnold Kling on a root problem with contemporary political discourse, summarized in the Wall Street Journal: Mr. Kling’s three “languages” are ways of talking about politics and government, and they...
Kevin Vallier over at Bleeding Heart Libertarians argues that liberals must oppose the contraception mandate. In order to determine whether a law or policy is illiberal, we must describe the various forms of coercion...
I’m afraid that in our recent discussion of democracy and coercion the conversation tended to hew toward the relative merits of democracy rather than on what I think was my more important point: namely,...
Let’s assume for the sake of argument that I was being slightly hyperbolic when I suggested that libertarians dislike democracy; let’s also shuffle aside the Michael Lind article I linked to and the various...
My former colleague Will Wilkinson writes: It seems to me that most of our high-level political concepts like “freedom” or “equality” are tailored and tweaked to justify the kind of political regime we already...