Tagged: civil liberties
Confession of a Liberal Gun Owner
Why an Obama voter made it a point to acquire one of those guns that politicians argue about.
U.S. Inspector General — Audit of the DEA’s Management and Oversight of Confidential Source Program
Things you probably didn’t know your tax dollars were doing: paying airline workers previously proven to perjure themselves to spy on you.
The Fatal Flaw in Using Faith as Permission to Discriminate
Or: Why you don’t really believe that religious liberty should allow what you think it should.
What’s a Little Bill of Attainder Among Friends?
James Hanley argues that even suspected Nazis have constitutional rights.
Russia Takes Another Step On A Long Road
Two punk rock artists are released from a prison in Siberia. Do we still care? Burt Likko thinks we should.
What You Need to Know About Klayman v. Obama
A Federal Court found yesterday that the NSA does, in fact, routinely violate your Constitutional rights. The reason why is very likely within your arm’s reach right now.
The Price We Pay…
…to fight Jihadist terrorism. Andrew Sullivan’s obsession with Islamic terrorism, or radical Islam’s unique penchant for terrorism (it’s not easy to tell the two apart anymore), continues
Come Pop My Bubble
When I read this article by Mark Adomanis in Forbes online, I find myself a bit confused. Adomanis mantains that there is a significant strain of American conservatism that looks at l’affaire d’Pussy Riot in Russia and...
A Peculiar Kind of Reasoning
I’ve been MIA recently, most due to some other projects I’ve been working on. But I’ll have some deeper thoughts on the following later on…right after I’ve succeeded in picking my jaw back up...
The Disappearance of Informed Democracy
This week on the op-ed page of the Washington Post three senators debated the how best to detain “terrorists.” The current annual defense authorization bill contains language introduced by Senators Carl Levin and John...
At My Real Job: Targeted Killing and the Rule of Law
This month’s Cato Unbound features a lead essay by Ryan Alford of Ave Maria School of Law. It asks a very important question: When can the executive, acting alone, lawfully kill a citizen? The...
Secret Trials, Secret Laws
Spencer Ackerman reports on a secret USA-PATRIOT Act: You think you understand how the Patriot Act allows the government to spy on its citizens. Sen. Ron Wyden says it’s worse than you know. Congress...
Hopelessness and Torture
“It’s a mistake to say this was about inflicting pain. These measures were about instilling a sense of hopelessness, and that led them to compliance.” — Jose Rodriguez, former head of the CIA’s Counterterrorism...
Profiling, Political Correctness, and Airport Security
I must take issue with Erik’s recent post on airport security in which he argued for abolishing the TSA, replacing it with privatized airport security, and adopting an Israeli “profiling” approach to airport security. ...
The Nation defends TSA against Evil Koch Brothers
This Nation piece is a ludicrous exercise in silly partisanship. Mark Ames and Yasha Levine go to great length to show just how all this crazy outrage over TSA agents groping people – including...
In Which NJ Leads the Way on Freedoms
It’s a rare day indeed that I get to say this, but today I’m quite proud of my state’s elected representatives in the State House: State senators Michael J. Doherty (R- Hunterdon) and James Beach...
From the Homeland
Instead of a Revolution Not long ago, and not for the first time, I noted that Barack Obama asserts powers far greater than those of George III. “And we all know what we did...
State Secrets
The Obama administration urged a federal judge early Saturday to dismiss a lawsuit over its targeting of a U.S. citizen for killing overseas, saying that the case would reveal state secrets. The U.S.-born citizen,...
Miranda’s Failure
A staggering new piece of research shows that in almost 20% of criminal trial convictions that DNA evidence has subsequently overturned, the prosecution was able to rely on ultimately false confessions by the accused.* ...