Series! Recap of World Series of the 1920s
Why not go back to the Roaring 20s, the age of flappers, bathtub gin, and the Babe? It was 100 years ago now, but that hardly matters in baseball.
Why not go back to the Roaring 20s, the age of flappers, bathtub gin, and the Babe? It was 100 years ago now, but that hardly matters in baseball.
I had such a good time putting together the recent recap of 2020s World Series, I decided to travel backwards in time to the 1930s.
Can we do Jimmy Carter’s legacy and character justice, out in public where everyone can hear? This may be a harder question than it seems at first glance.
It’s time for our quinquennial recap of recent World Series.
Ambient Dub music is a genre artists fold themselves into, rather than try to expand and break from. Some definitions and history are in order here.
Ford’s willful naivete opened the door to our current state of play, where TFG dares America on a daily basis to reign him in.
If you want to grumble about the lack of fitness and standards for the Presidency, you should start by articulating what those standards are
Does this way lie madness? Perhaps, but it also leads to some damn fine maple syrup.
I can admit now that I was ignorant. The good news is that ignorance can be cured with education.
The good, bad, and ugly of the very long and very impactful life of Henry Kissinger is in the books. We should read it very carefully.
The term ‘settler colonialism’ has been widely bandied about, but what does this term actually mean, and does it apply to Israeli-Hamas conflict?
For those who decry Western support for Ukraine, everything is a precursor to World War III. But this couldn’t be further from the truth.
If you like somewhat obscure history, “Empire by Default” is a very readable and comprehensive account of the Spanish-American War.
Scattered thoughts and unanswered questions two years after the destruction and death in Kabul and America’s withdraw from Afghanistan.
I cannot agree that, to quote Mike Cote’s title and piece on the subject, that “Dropping the Atomic Bombs Was Good, Actually.”
The atomic bombs dropped on Japan are not only defensible, but actively good. The critics who ignore the historical record and embrace presentist analysis fail to deal in reality.
From Texas, the celebration of Juneteenth spread across the South. As blacks migrated north, seeking more freedom and opportunity, Juneteenth went with them.
FDR’s D-Day prayer to announce the Normandy landings of WW2 still has truths to teach about the timeless enemies that threaten all of humanity
Should the strong protect the weak? The answer to this question says a great deal about the divergence between contemporary European and American attitudes on foreign policy.
What’s more fun than some light trolling? This movement needs a motto, and there’s one just begging to be adopted: Make Beijing Peking Again.