Category: Weekend
Weekend Plans Post: The Double Feature
I saw two movies. The Black Phone and Top Gun: Maverick. Both were made for GenXers.
Weekend Plans Post: Getting Sick
If you don’t use your vacation days, you’re going to use your sick days.
Weekend Plans Post: Gosh, It’s Hot
August is just one long month without any holidays and a lot of hot.
Weekend Plans Post: Stranger Things Season The Third
When we first saw the mall in Stranger Things Season 3, I was hit with a huge wave of nostalgia. Seeing all of the old shops and the fact that even the escalators were full and everybody was running around and seeing each other?
Weekend Plans Post: Perhaps, finally, a quiet weekend?
After a fairly tumultuous start, perhaps summer will start to slow down
Weekend Plans Post: The 4th of July and Stranger Things
“You know that thing where you make the viewers at home cringe? WE SHOULD DO THAT!”, it feels like they’re saying.
Weekend Plans Post: Saying Goodbye
We’re cleaning house. We found an old box that hadn’t been opened since 2003. With VCR Tapes. We opened it.
Weekend Plans Post: Back To The Gym, Again, And Stranger Things
Stranger Things is our American Graffiti, I guess. Wait. Lemme do some math. This is our Summer of ’42. Wait. Lemme do some math. Jeez louise.
Weekend Plans Post: Making a Frozen Pizza into Something Almost not Depressing
I don’t want to say that it wasn’t depressing at all… I mean, it’s a frozen pizza. But it was still pretty dang good.
Weekend Plans Post: Folding Towels
I was raised to fold towels one way.
I have since found a better one.
Weekend Plans Post: Catching Up With Old Friends and Discussing Dating
Oh my gosh. It was like a horror movie. He told me about Tinder. He told me about Facebook dating. He told me about various first dates.
Weekend Plans Post: Getting in bar fights with Icelanders over whether Kiss is a better band than Sigur Rós
Some things should be obvious to anybody.