Weekend Plans Post: The Fall Guy (2024)
One guy cancelled, then another guy cancelled, and I said “We’re not going to play with 3. Let’s see a movie. Let’s see… THE FALL GUY.”
One guy cancelled, then another guy cancelled, and I said “We’re not going to play with 3. Let’s see a movie. Let’s see… THE FALL GUY.”
I understand that the Netflix version Americanizes the ever-living heck out of the story but, even so, I found myself charmed and confused and wanting to argue about what happens next.
I had a McDonald’s fry that had never seen salt. It wasn’t very good. So, we concluded that the town was cursed. We will never go there again.
Road trip to The Eclipse. Just gotta get to where we’re going and just gotta make sure there ain’t no clouds.
You know how the best tasting food is the food that someone else makes?
This stuff tastes like someone else made it.
A week later, we’ve mostly had conversations about stuff like “even though it’s X days after surgery, I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER!”
A baked beans recipe and back to the hospital. As such, this weekend will be spent eating beans and recovering.
There’s a game night on Saturday and that will be nice. But mostly, it’ll be nice to not have that Sword of Damocles hanging over our heads.
Good on ice cream, good in a bowl of plain yogurt in the morning, good in a bowl of otherwise plain oatmeal…an excellent dessert sauce.
Three co-workers have asked “wait, it’s a three day weekend?” and I was pleased each time to say it was.
Warranties run out sometimes. You’ve still gotta do maintenance, though.
There have been a *LOT* of developments in the Wrestling World. Weird ones.
This weekend’s plans include the recipe for Lamb Dijon. Which, thankfully, requires that I brown some lamb and nothing involving a mixing bowl.
What day is it? Ah, it doesn’t matter.