Author: Scott J Davies

Scott Davies is a freelance writer and tutor. He is currently studying a Master of Education. He is interested in education, economics, geopolitics and history. He's on Twitter and has a Medium page.

The Value Of Writing

The ability to write, not only in the formal sense of being able to succinctly put together an argument but also in a more informal sense, is an underrated and overlooked skill.


Ordinary World: Education

Ordinary World: Education from Ordinary Times and Scott J. Davies with links to stories about higher ed, charter schools, community college, elite schools, quality of education and more for you to read, share, & discuss.


Is Online Education Living Up To Its Potential?

Online learning is going to be an ever-growing aspect of education in the future, particularly at the tertiary level. It is imperative that online courses become more effectively designed and accessible in order to maximise the benefits for students.


Is The Lambda School Model The Future of Higher Education?

The level of student debt accrued by students has skyrocketed in recent years. At the same time, the benefits of obtaining a bachelor’s degree and the ensuing debt that goes along with it has been diminishing. The current model of higher education, it would appear, is ripe for disruption.

Enter Lambda School


Ordinary Times: Education Links

Your Ordinary World: Education Links from Scott Davies bringing you stories and articles on learning, teaching, education, and schools from Ordinary Times.


Ordinary World: Education

Ordinary World: Education with stories and links on learning, education, teaching, tutoring, and much more from Scott Davies and Ordinary Times.

Undergraduate Enrollment

Are Finland’s Schools Really the Gold Standard?

It is a given that at some point during almost any discussion about school reform, a reference to Finland’s education system will arise. However, a closer look at Finland’s education system and reforms raises questions about the popular narrative of its education system.


Ordinary World: Education

Your Ordinary World for 19 Nov 2018 with Education links from Scott J. Davies covering everything from education, learning, school choice, social and emotional learning, higher ed enrollment, and more. Read, share, and discuss.


Ordinary World: Education

Your Ordiniary World for Tuesday, 13 Nov 2018, and Scott J. Davies brings us education themed links about, teaching, learning, studetns, and more.

Conor McGregor

Return of the Notorious Conor McGregor

As is the case with every Conor McGregor fight, regardless of whether you love or loathe him as a fighter and character, his fight Saturday is must-watch television for anyone even casually interested in combat sports.